Come and discover the archaeological novelties of Badalona with the EAD

This spring we are moving forward with the European Archaology Days (EAD), which will be held on the weekend of June 18th and 19th, with a short series of lectures about archeology in our city.

For three Tuesdays we will review some of the most important interventions that have taken place recently in Badalona and we will know the data and information they have provided about the history of the ancient city of Baetulo. Admission is free until capacity is reached.

Tuesday 31st May. Documentació, extracció i restauració dels mosaics de les domus del lateral de la C-31.
Tuesday 7th June. El mosaic del carrer Pujol.
Tuesday 14th June. Nova planta de la ciutat romana de Baetulo.


In addition to the lectures, on Sunday 19th June – in the middle of the EAD weekend – we offer the possibility of visiting a new archeological space, still without musealize, of the last ones that have joined the Museum, in Carrer Coll i Pujol . If you are interested in participating in this visit, you can book your place at the following links.

Sunday 19th June. 11 h.
Sunday 19th June. 11:45 h
Sunday 19th June. 12:30 h.
Sunday 19th June. 13:15 h

Admission is free and places are very limited. Registration from June 1st.


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