Memories of the snowstorm of Christmas 1962

Despite the cold of the last few days and the abundant presence of snow in much of the territory, in Badalona has not snowed (at least by now!). Our situation close to the sea means that it rarely snows here and, even less, that the snow stays on the streets.

However, at Christmas 1962 it did snow, and that snowfall has been etched in the retinas of all the people who lived through it.

For this gallery, we have once again looked in the photographic collections of the Museum’s Image Archive and we present a selection of photographs that retain the image and memory of that exceptional event. If the photos of that snowfall are weird and curious, so is have the chance to walk through the spaces of the city from fifty years ago!

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Records d’una nevada, la de Nadal de l’any 1962

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