Presentation of the sculpture project dedicated to Mayor Xifré

On Saturday April 1st, at 10.30 am, the project for the sculpture dedicated to Mayor Frederic Xifré, which the Museum of Badalona will commission from the sculptor, will be presented in the Museum’s auditorium Pere Coll, known as Perecoll.

Perecoll, born in Mataró in 1948, is a multifaceted artist who has cultivated painting, goldsmithing and sculpture and who has gained international acclaim. He is the author of several public sculptures, especially in Mataró, where one of his works, entitled La cadira de l’alcalde, is dedicated to Josep Abril Argemí, the republican mayor of that city, who was shot by Franco.

This fact also occurred in Badalona, where Frederic Xifré i Masferrer, Mayor at the outbreak of the Civil War, was shot by the Francoists at the end of the Civil War, specifically on February 15th, 1940.

The initiative to dedicate a sculpture to Mayor Xifré stems from a motion presented to the municipal meeting, on January 31st, 2017, by the Mayor Xifré Cultural Association, in defense of his memory.

During the presentation ceremony, Perecoll will explain the location and the characteristics of the project it plans to carry out in order to pay tribute to the figure of Mayor Xifré and preserve his memory.



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