New offer of educational workshops

From the Museum of Badalona we are preparing new educational content that will expand the school offer for the next academic year 2020-21. We are working to bring the daily life of our Roman ancestors closer to the school public with educational innovations that will complete the guided tour to the archaeological sites of the Roman Baetulo.

With this in mind, we are preparing a wide range of new interactive workshops and proposals in different formats that will help us learn about such interesting aspects as the role of women in the family economy, the devaluation of the currency, how fashion came to all corners of the Empire, the life expectancy of children or the fake news of antiquity that have come to us from the hand of Hollywood. We are fully aware of the new normality that we have to live so we are designing all these proposals so that they can be made through the new communication platforms (zoom, Google Meet, Team …).

We will keep you informed!


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