The Perpetual Union of the Choral Societies

For many years, the Museum has kept the standard (MB 19326) in its collections, the provenance of which is completely unknown, as there is no record of its entry. In 2008, the grandson of Francesc Flos Calcat, author of the design, donated the drawing of the banner project (MB 11817) and the life-size template for the text of the banner (MB 11857). This donation made the grouping of these three pieces possible.

All of this has its origin in the celebration of the union of the choral societies of Badalona, which was celebrated on March 9th, 1895 at the Zorrilla Theater to commemorate the union of three of the town’s choral societies: the Societat Coral de Socors Mutus Alba, Societat Coral la Badalonense and Societat Coral La Palma.

According to the description that can be read in the weekly El Eco de Badalona of March 2nd, 1895, in an intermission, Pere Viñas Renom gave the societies a magnificent banner or standard as a souvenir of the bond of union that was celebrated in that act

If you want to read more information about the event, you can take a look to El Eco de Badalona, of March 2nd, 1895 and March 16th, 1895




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