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Lecture. The Poster Competition of the Anís del Mono

Within the framework of the exhibition The diamond of Badalona commemorating the 150 years of Anís del Mono, that can be seen at the Museum until March 15th. By Núria Casals, historian. View flyer  


Lecture: The Eco of Badalona, dean of the local press

Montserrat Carreras, historian and head of the Historical Archive of the City of Badalona, will offer us the lecture El Eco de Badalona, dean of the local press, on the occasion of the presentation of the digitalization of this magazine, founded in 1868. In February the Eco will be available in the Museum's website. The […]


Margarita Xirgu, the most universal Catalan actress

To celebrate the Year Xirgu, which commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the Catalan actress Margarida Xirgu, Dr. Francesc Foguet, coordinator of the Master's Degree in Theater Studies at the UAB, will offer us the lecture Margarida Xirgu, the most universal Catalan actress, in which he will review the professional and personal ties […]


Lecture. The arrival of Darwinism in Catalonia

Within the framework of the exhibition The diamond of Badalona commemorating the 150 years of Anís del Mono, that can be seen at the Museum until March 15th. By Dr. Agustí Camós, historian of science. View flyer  


Lecture: The alliance of sea and wine

Museu de Badalona Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Espanya

The alliance of sea and wine, key in the prosperity of Baetulo, by Clara Forn, archeologist of the Museum. As part of the 5th cycle of conferences Anar a mar, organized by Marina Badalona.


Evarist Arnús and music: The Lyrical Theater of Eixample (1881-1890)

By Montserrat Guardiet Bergé, doctor in art history. Lecture organized to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Evarist Arnús i Ferrer. Download flyer of the exhibition (in catalan) Clock tower that was located in the gardens of the Teatre Líric de Barcelona now located in Ca l'Arnús. Albert Cartagena/Museu de Badalona. AI  


Evarist Arnús i Ferrer (1820-1890), a singular character

By Marçal Font Espí, philologist and great connoisseur of the figure of Arnús. Lecture organized to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Evarist Arnús i Ferrer. Download flyer of the exhibition (in catalan) Portrait of Evarist Arnús. Unknown/Museu de Badalona. Arxiu J.M. Cuyàs


The artistic legacy of Evarist Arnús in Badalona: the Torre Arnús

By Anna Hernández Tudela, art historian and doctoral student. Lecture organized to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Evarist Arnús i Ferrer. Download flyer of the exhibition (in catalan) Exterior view of the Torre Arnús, in Badalona. Josep Cortinas/Museu de Badalona. AI. Fons Josep Cortinas


Opening of the exhibition Ramon Casas visits Badalona

Opening of the exhibition Ramon Casas visits Badalona which includes a set of paintings, drawings and posters from several museums and collectors, which have been lent for the occasion. During the event the professors of the Conservatory of Badalona Rocío Martínez, soprano , and David Malet, piano, will perform four songs by Enric Granados. Gabriel […]


Lecture: Ramon Casas

By Gabriel Pinós, art historian. Due to the fire that has affected two industrial buildings today in Tortosa Street in Badalona and that has caused the death of three people, this activity is canceled.   Self portrait of Ramon Casas   FLYER OF THE EXHIBITION


Lecture: Ramon Casas and the Codina family from Badalona

By Jordi Sánchez, historian. Prior registration is required at the Museum: 933 841 750. Limited capacity. The event can be followed live on the Youtube channel of the Museu de Badalona:   Portrait of Josep Codina Prat, Ramon Casas's brother in law   FLYER OF THE EXHIBITION


Lecture: Ramon Casas

Lecture by Gabriel Pinós, art historian, as part of the exhibition Ramon Casas visits Badalona which can be seen at the Museum until Sunday January 31st. During the event the professors of the Conservatory of Badalona Rocío Martínez, soprano , and David Malet, piano, will perform four songs by Enric Granados. Admission is free but […]


Publication: History of Mauthausen

The Museum presents the adaptation and translation into Catalan of the book Histoire de Mauthausen. Les cinq années de déportation des républicains espagnols, written by Josep Borràs from Badalona, in which he recounts his experiences in the Mauthausen concentration camp, where 1,094 catalans lost their lives. Josep Borràs (1917-1997) went into exile in France after […]


Roundtable: The dress of the Our Lady of Sorrows

Roundtable with Àngel Acedo, graduate in Humanities; Rosa M. Martín, former director of the Textile Museum of Barcelona and Carme Bassols, seamstress. Moderator: Joan Rosàs, historian. Museum. 8 p.m. Free entrance. Limited capacity. This activity may change because of the arising from the health alert of COVID-19.  


70 years of the esbart Sant Jordi

On the occasion of the centenary of the Orfeó Badaloní and the 70th anniversary of the Esbart Sant Jordi, which is linked to it, this exhibition will be presented on the first floor of the Museum, where a round table will be held on the present and future of traditional dances. Prior registration is required […]

Presentation of the book Badalona on wheels

Presentation of the book Badalona on wheels, published by the publishing house EFADÓS, and which allows us to trace the history and evolution of our city with land transport as a guiding thread. The book, written by Margarida Abras and M. Dolors Nieto, includes 170 photographs from the Image Archive of the Badalona Museum. The […]


Open Doors Day to the House of the Ivy

Casa de l'Heura c/ Lladó, 55-67, Badalona, Barcelona, Espanya

The Roman city of Baetulo keeps growing. This Spring, once the musealisation works has been completed, we have inaugurated the House of the Ivy, a domus from the ending of the 1st century BC that will be added to the offer of visitable spaces from the Roman era offered by the Museum. The house bears […]

Open Doors Day to the House of the Ivy

Casa de l'Heura c/ Lladó, 55-67, Badalona, Barcelona, Espanya

The Roman city of Baetulo keeps growing. This Spring, once the musealisation works has been completed, we have inaugurated the House of the Ivy, a domus from the ending of the 1st century BC that will be added to the offer of visitable spaces from the Roman era offered by the Museum. The house bears […]

Open Doors Day to the House of the Ivy

Casa de l'Heura c/ Lladó, 55-67, Badalona, Barcelona, Espanya

The Roman city of Baetulo keeps growing. This Spring, once the musealisation works has been completed, we have inaugurated the House of the Ivy, a domus from the ending of the 1st century BC that will be added to the offer of visitable spaces from the Roman era offered by the Museum. The house bears […]

Premiere of the short movie Haunting day (Between Light and Shadows)

Premier of the short movie Haunting Day (Between Light and Shadows), a harrowing suspense story shot on the incomparable setting of Can Miravitges. The film, which is in the distribution phase, has already received 8 international awards: Audience Award in Los Angeles, Award for Best Thriller in Port Blair, Award for Best Actor and Honorable […]

Lecture: Rovira and his models

By Ivan Costa. As part of the exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978, which commemorates the centenary of the birth of this well-known seamstress from Badalona and which can be seen at the Museum until Sunday 12th December. Limited places. Pre-registration on this page. The activity will be broadcast live on the Museum's Youtube channel. The performance […]

Lecture: Photographing Pere Rovira

By Antoni Bernad, internationally recognized fashion photographer. As part of the exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978, which commemorates the centenary of the birth of this well-known seamstress from Badalona and which can be seen at the Museum until Sunday 12th December. Limited places. Pre-registration on this page. The activity will be broadcast live on the Museum's Youtube […]

Roundtable discussion. Pere Rovira’s workshop: the invisible creators

Roundtable discussion. Pere Rovira's workshop: the invisible creators With Joan Simó, Daniel Barbajosa, Josep Casamartina and seamstresses from Pere Rovira's workshop. As part of the exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978, which commemorates the centenary of the birth of this well-known seamstress from Badalona and which can be seen at the Museum until Sunday 12th December. Limited […]

Lecture: The international presence of Pere Rovira

A càrrec de Josep Casamartina i Parassols, cocomissari de l'exposició i autor del llibre del mateix títol. As part of the exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978, which commemorates the centenary of the birth of this well-known seamstress from Badalona and which can be seen at the Museum until Sunday 12th December. Limited places. Pre-registration on this […]

Presentation of the book “Derivacions modernistes. Rehabilitació arquitectònica. Joan Amigó, arquitecte”

The book Modernist Derivations. Architectural rehabilitation. Joan Amigó, architect studies the work of Joan Amigó i Barriga (1875-1958), the most notable and representative architect of modernism in Badalona. The author of the book, also the architect Pere Casajoana, wanted to approach the issue from a strictly architectural perspective, different from the most common approaches that […]

Presentation of the central panel of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian

Presentation of the central panel of the Gothic altarpiece of Saint Sebastian, from the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra, which has recently been acquired by the Museum of Badalona. This exceptional piece was part of the altarpiece that decorated the chapel that the monks of La Murtra erected, in the late 15th century, […]

Book presentation: Una manera de veure el món. Teresa Lleal Galceran, 1940-1988

Presentation of the book A way of seeing the world. Teresa Lleal Galceran, 1940-1988, by Emili Muñoz. The work is the result of intense research that has allowed the author to make available to us the biography of a person as interesting and full of concerns as Teresa Lleal, who played an important role in […]

Book presentation: Una manera de veure el món. Teresa Lleal Galceran, 1940-1988

Presentation of the book A way of seeing the world. Teresa Lleal Galceran, 1940-1988, by Emili Muñoz. The work is the result of intense research that has allowed the author to make available to us the biography of a person as interesting and full of concerns as Teresa Lleal, who played an important role in […]

Cycle of conferences: Archaeological novelties

In recent years, the urban dynamics of Badalona have intensified and spaces, so far little transformed, have undergone a great change. This fact has led to an increase in archaeological interventions that, consequently, have brought many innovations in the knowledge of the Roman city. It is for this reason that we present a cycle of […]

A first approach to the marbling of Baetulo’s public spaces

Lecture: A first approach to the marbling of Baetulo's public spaces. By Anna Gutiérrez Garcia-Moreno, archaeologist (ICAC Research Researcher) and Andrea Collado Padilla The study of marble gives us new knowledge about Baetulo. In this case a unified study and revision of fragments of marble from different excavations of the different public spaces of the […]

Lecture: Pere Rovira and the Cooperativa de Alta Costura

By Rosa M. Martín i Ros, art historian, specializing in the study of fabric. As part of the exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978, which commemorates the centenary of the birth of this well-known seamstress from Badalona and which can be seen at the Museum until Sunday 12th December. Limited places. Pre-registration on this page. The activity will […]

Salve viator! New data on roads and documented remains in the western suburb of Baetulo

Lecture: Salve viator! New data on the roads and remains documented in the western suburb of Baetulo during the intervention on Coll i Pujol's street. By Mikel Soberón, archaeologist at Global Mediterrània. During the months of September 2019 and March 2020, an intervention was carried out on the site that until then had been occupied […]

The seafront of Baetulo

Lecture: The seafront of Baetulo. New data on the walled enclosure and the coastline. By Emiliano Hinojo and Jacinto Sánchez, archaeologists. In 2015 and 2019, two interventions were carried out on the plots of the Via Augusta's Avenue, numbers 18 and 14, respectively. Although some of the results of the first excavation were already presented […]

Baetulo, oppidum civium romanorum. New proposal of urban plot

Lecture: Baetulo, oppidum civium romanorum. New proposal of urban plot. By Clara Forn, Pepita Padrós and Jacinto Sánchez, archaeologists. Baetulo, oppidum civium romanorum is the description used by Plinius(1st century AD) that testifies the founding of our Roman city. Thanks to archaeological excavations we have come to know how and when the city was born, […]

Opening of the exhibition and conference on the altarpiece of San Sebastián

Opening of the exhibition Altarpiece of Saint Sebastian, 15th century, which brings together the only two original pieces - central table and predella - that have been preserved from the Gothic altarpiece that the monks of the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra dedicated to Saint Sebastian, and which can be seen on the […]

Lecture. Saint Sebastian: from lawyer of the plagues to icon of the gay community.

Lecture. Saint Sebastian: from lawyer of the plagues to icon of the gay community. By Joan Rosàs, historian. As part of the exhibition Altarpiece of Saint Sebastian (15th century) , which can be seen free of charge at the Museum until Sunday 27th February. Museum. 7 p.m. Free admission with prior registration. The performance of […]

The secret plan to disembark in Badalona during World War II

Neutralizing the Franco regime during World War II was always an option for the Allies. The Americans, however, were the ones who considered it most strongly, to the point that they drew up a plan to land on the Catalan coast using Badalona as the gateway for their troops. Lecture by Pere S. de Argila, […]

Lecture: Pandemics in the late Middle Ages

Lecture: Pandemics in the late Middle Ages. Demographic and social consequences. By Josep Hernando, Doctor of Medieval History. As part of the exhibition Altarpiece of Saint Sebastian (15th century) , which can be seen free of charge at the Museum until Sunday 27th February. Museum. 7 p.m. Free admission with prior registration. The performance of […]

Opening of the exhibition and lecture “El dibuixant Santiago Mateu i Pla”

Opening of the exhibition The drawer Santiago Mateu i Pla (1891-1935) which can be seen at the Museum until Sunday 6th March. The event will also include a lecture on this artist by art historian Núria Casals i Cortès, which will be presented by Francesc Fontbona, PhD in art history. Museum. 7 p.m. The performance […]

Lecture: The enigmas of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian from la Murtra

Lecture: The enigmas of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian from la Murtra By Jaume Aymar Ragolta. art historian, head of the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra. As part of the exhibition Altarpiece of Saint Sebastian (15th century) , which can be seen free of charge at the Museum until Sunday 27th February. Museum. 7 p.m. […]

Lecture: The importance of Jerome music

Lecture: The importance of Jerome music: the manuscript of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra. By Juan Carlos Asensio, specialist in medieval music. As part of the exhibition Altarpiece of Saint Sebastian (15th century) , which can be seen free of charge at the Museum until Sunday 27th February. Museum. 7 p.m. Free admission with prior registration. The […]

Sant Jeroni at the end of the 15th century

Lecture: Sant Jeroni at the end of the 15th century. By Carles Díaz, PhD in Medieval History. As part of the exhibition Altarpiece of Saint Sebastian (15th century) , which can be seen free of charge at the Museum until Sunday 27th February. Museum. 7 p.m. Free admission with prior registration. The performance of this […]

Lecture: Clothing and fabrics in the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian

Lecture: Clothing and fabrics in the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra. By Rosa M. Martín i Ros, weaver and fashion historian. As part of the exhibition Altarpiece of Saint Sebastian (15th century) , which can be seen free of charge at the Museum until Sunday 27th February. Museum. 7 p.m. […]

Lecture: Reflections on the Causes and Consequences of the Ukrainian War

Lecture: Reflections on the Causes and Consequences of the Ukrainian War Since last February 24th, the war in Ukraine has focused all the information on the media, on social media and also on our streets. Beyond the horror of a war situation, this conflict is having a direct effect on our country, such as rising […]

Dressing the Roman house: the fabric that surrounds you

Lecture: Dressing the Roman house: the fabric that surrounds you. By Laia de Frutos (UB). The Roman house is understood as a container whose architecture, decoration, evolution and sometimes its contents are studied. Research on the Roman house is on archaeological finds, but there are a number of objects that leave no trace, such as […]

Ovid and fashion

Lecture: Ovid and fashion. By Herbert González Zymla (UCM).  

Presentation of the book: Ahir Roma, avui nosaltres

Presentation of the book Ahir Roma, avui nosaltres by Isabel Rodà, epigraphist, archaeologist and professor emeritus at the UAB. The cultural heritage of the Roman world is still very much alive in the 21st century. Seemingly contemporary concepts such as interculturality, interbreeding, currency and the single market, vehicular language, waste management or recycling are aspects […]

Lecture: the mosaics of Baetulo

Baetulo's buildings were richly decorated with marble sconces, murals, and pavements of several kinds, especially mosaics. Due to the restoration and inclusion of some of them in the exhibition Baetulo Roman city, a review of more than 30 decorated pavements from the excavations has been carried out. The result of this study has made it […]

Lecture: The labor movement before the Civil War

Lecture: The labor movement before the Civil War. By Joan Villarroya i Font, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona (UB). On the occasion of the exhibition The lost factories on the seafront that can be seen at the Museum from May 26th to September 25th.   J. Danglà i cia/Museu de Badalona. […]

The mosaic of Pujol’s street

Lecture: The mosaic of Pujol's street By Sílvia Llovet and Esther Gurri In the intervention of Pujol's street (2018), part of a large domus was located. The triclinar room of this house was decorated in the central part with a mosaic with bakic motifs. Due to its uniqueness, it was extracted and restored for the […]

New floor plan of the Roman city of Baetulo

Lecture: New floor plan of the Roman city of Baetulo. By Clara Forn, Pepita Padrós and Jacinto Sánchez, archaeologists. The large volume of archaeological interventions carried out in the city of Badalona in the last twenty years, has provided us with a large number of data that allow us to review and propose the urbanism […]

Lecture: The process of decontamination of the maritime front of Badalona

Lecture: The process of decontamination of the maritime front of Badalona. By Pier Berglund, agronomic engineer, founder of the company DAC ENVIRO SL. On the occasion of the exhibition The lost factories on the maritime front that can be seen at the Museum from May 26th to September 25th.   Desconegut/Museu de Badalona. AI. Fons […]

Poetry recital: La punxada del passat

La punxada del passat. Marcel Riera's poems recited by the same author On the occasion of the exhibition The lost factories on the maritime front that can be seen at the Museum from May 26th to September 25th.    

Lecture: The transformation of the western strip of the maritime front

Conferència: The transformation of the western strip of the maritime front and the projects of the 3 chimneys. By Xavier Salvà and Rafael Argelich, architects. On the occasion of the exhibition The lost factories on the maritime front that can be seen at the Museum from May 26th to September 25th.   Desconegut/Museu de Badalona. AI

Lecture: The Industry and the train on the maritime front of Badalona

Lecture: The Industry and the train on the maritime front of Badalona. By Xavier Nubiola, engineer. On the occasion of the exhibition The lost factories on the maritime front that can be seen at the Museum from May 26th to September 25th.   Desconegut/Museu de Badalona. AI. Fons Ajuntament  

Lecture: the farmhouse of Ca l’Andal. History and architecture

Presentation of the work carried out by students of the Master's Degree in Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques in Existing Buildings of the Higher Technical School of Building in Barcelona, by Clàudia Sanmartí, architect and professor at the UPC, with an introduction historical by M. Dolors Nieto, historian of the Museum of Badalona. From 5 pm […]

Roundtable tribute to Joan Soler i Amigó

Tribute dialogue to the pedagogue, writer and scholar of popular culture, Joan Soler i Amigó (1941-2022) with the participation of Jan Grau -specialist in popular and traditional culture-, Joan Mayné -anthropologist, museologist, former director of the Museum of Badalona - and Fina Niubó -Catalan language teacher-, moderated by Emili Muñoz, historian who is working on […]

Donation of the photographic collection of Josep M. Bendicho to the Museum

Donation ceremony of the photographic collection of the photographer Josep M. Bendicho Esteban (1969-2016). The event, which will be attended by the Vice President of the Museum, Anna M. Lara, will include the intervention of Ceci Fímia, designer and friend of Josep M. Bendicho who has classified his photographs, and Josep M.’s niece. , the […]

Novelties about wine in Baetulo

Museum archaeologists, Clara Forn and Esther Gurri, will present a summary of the new developments that have been explained during the III International Archeology Colloquium dedicated to Wine in Antiquity in the Mediterranean, which was held at the Museum on October 19th, 20th and 21st this year. Among the 75 investigations presented at this meeting […]

New information about Quintus Licinius’s house

The discovery, in one of the rooms excavated in the Clos de la Torre in the 1930s, of the tabula hospitalis, a hospitality pact between the municipality of Baetulo and Quintus Licini in 98 AD, was the first evidence of the possible existence of this building. During the 1950s, the knowledge about it was expanded […]

Lecture: The Museum of the Perfume of Barcelona (Fundació Planas Giralt)

Lecture: The Museum of the Perfume of Barcelona (Fundació Planas Giralt) By Rafa Burgos, historian and journalist. Burgos, a great expert on the subject, will share with us the genesis and characteristics of the magnificent collection of perfumery and cosmetic bottles and containers, from various periods and places in the world, which in 1963 became […]

Lecture: 200 years of Spanish perfumery

Lecture: 200 years of Spanish perfumery. By Juanjo Ruiz Crivillé, collector. One of our country's most prominent collectors of perfumery and cosmetic pieces, of varied provenance and chronology, will discover the history of Spanish perfumery, in which Perfumeria Parera, already in the 20th century, had a very important place. On occasion of the exhibition Perfumeria […]

Conference: The brand creation process of Perfumeria Parera

Conference: The brand creation process of Perfumeria Parera. By Enric Bejiga, graphic designer of Perfumeria Parera and workshop master of the Pau Gargallo School of Art. Enric Bejiga's experience at the Perfumeria Parera company will provide us with knowledge of the exciting process that represents the creation of the integral image of different brands, and […]

Lecture: Advertising of Perfumería Parera before the Civil War

Lecture: Advertising of Perfumería Parera before the Civil War By Núria Casals, historian. Drawings, graphics and photographs applied to advertising, often by very talented and not always well-known professionals, will be the protagonists of this lecture. We will find, embodied in advertisements, images that are suggestive, seductive and full of glamour, but also fresh, familiar […]

Lecture: From the perfumery industry to the craft of perfume

Lecture: From the perfumery industry to the craft of perfume. By Esperança Cases, master artisan perfumer. The only master artisan perfumer in the country, specialized in experimental perfumery and with experience at Perfumeria Parera, will take us on a journey to the world of natural essences and share her experiments with us. On occasion of […]

Presentation of the auca of the third centenary of the Congregation of Sorrows

Parròquia de Santa Maria de Badalona c/ Temple, 40, Badalona

Presentation of the auca of the third centenary of the Congregation of Sorrows, with text by Joan Vilamala and drawings by Pilarin Bayés. The event will take place in the chapel of the Dolors of the church of Santa Maria de Badalona and will be attended by the authors. In occasion of the exhibition The […]

Lecture: The restoration of the mannequin of the image of Sorrows of Badalona

Lecture: The restoration of the mannequin of the image of Sorrows of Badalona. By Mireia Mestre, director of the Furniture Restoration Center of Catalonia, and Pere de Llobet, head of the MNAC carpentry workshop. In occasion of the exhibition The Congregation of Our Lady of Sorrows of Badalona. 300 years of history. Free entry until […]

Lecture: The conservation-restoration process of the central table of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian

Lecture: The conservation-restoration process of the central table of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian in the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra, by Rosa Marina Ruiz, conservator-restorer with a long history and professor associated with the Degree of Conservation-Restoration of Goods Cultural by the University of Barcelona. This art piece had been considered missing […]

The costumes of the giants, the passing of the years (19th-21st centuries)

Lecture: The costumes of the giants, the passing of the years (19th-21st centuries). By Pau Fernández, clothing designer and cultural manager. The lecture will take place on occasion of the exhibition Anastasi and Maria, 165 years: from the village to the city that can be seen in the Museum until May 28th.  

Presentation: The 50 of Badalona. Deportation to Nazi camps

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

The historians Mateu Chalmeta and Joan Villarroya are the authors of this book. This is the result of a long and careful research about the Badalonian deportees in the Nazi camps. The work is structured in three sections. The first is a historical introduction that brings us closer to the circumstances of the moment: the […]

Lecture: The Agustí House as an architectonical value

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

On the occasion of the celebration of the Domènech i Montaner year, with which the Generalitat de Catalunya commemorates the centenary of the death of the great modernist architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner (1850-1923), the Museum is organizing a lecture about Casa Agustí, made by him, and the only building by this author that we […]

Cycle of conferences: Archaeological novelties 2023

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Autumn brings to the Museum a new cycle of lectures around archaeology in Badalona. During four Tuesdays we will go over some of the most prominent interventions that have recently taken place in our city and learn about the data and information they have provided about the history of ancient Baetulo. The conferences will take […]

Lecture. When Badalona was Baitolo. News in Iberian epigraphy

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

We know Baetulo, the name of the Roman city located on Turó d'en Rosés (Badalona), and its surroundings, thanks to ancient sources and the Latin epigraphy of the 1st century AD. Even so, the Iberian monetary issues of the beginning of the 1st century BC use the toponym Baitolo, which would also, possibly, designate both […]

Lecture: The work of the bone in the area of the decumanus of the Roman city of Baetulo (Badalona). Preliminary study

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

The Romans used bone as a raw material for the production of many everyday objects. In the Museum we keep several examples of the skill of the artisans who, in ancient Baetulo, transformed the bone remains of goats, oxen or chickens into delicate objects of unquestionable value. With this conference we will be able to […]

Roman houses under the area of the Torre Vella. Results of the archaeological intervention at Carrer del Temple, 33

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

In 2020, an archaeological excavation was carried out on a lot located on Temple's street, on the corner with Germà Bernabé. The study of the remains has allowed us to know part of an island located under the forum of the Roman city, in which there was the peristyle of a domus and other outbuildings. […]

The Alcover stone and its presence in Baetulo

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

A few years ago, an extraordinary find in Badalona, a plate with only a few letters, allowed us to restore the name PORCIUS. In all probability it can be related to the great Marcus PORCI, the main wine producer of Baetulo. This plate was engraved in a material only apparently humble, the stone of Alcover. […]

Thread and needle in the workshop of Joan Antoni Fàbregas

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Round table with dressmakers from the workshop of Joan Antoni Fàbregas, led and moderated by Ismael Núñez Muñoz and Josep Casamartina i Parassols, curators of the exhibition. This activity is organized on the occasion of the exhibition Joan Antoni Fàbregas. Couture and glamor that can be seen for free at the Museum of Badalona until […]

Conversation: The art of embroidery

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

The art of embroidery Conversation between embroiderers Yolanda Yáñez and Núria Sánchez with Josep Casamartina i Parassols, director of the Antoni de Montpalau Foundation. This activity is organized on the occasion of the exhibition Joan Antoni Fàbregas. Couture and glamor that can be seen for free at the Museum of Badalona until Sunday 31st March. […]

Presentation of the book Jujol. Obra dispersa

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Presentation of the book Jujol. Obra dispersa by its author, M. Dolors Bocanegra, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the death of the architect, draftsman, designer and painter Josep Maria Jujol i Gibert (Tarragona, 16 September 1879 - Barcelona, 1 May 1949). Free entry until full capacity.  

Lecture: New liturgical dresses of the Holy Family

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Lecture: New liturgical dresses of the Holy Family. By Rosa M. Martín Ros, historian of textiles and clothing. This activity is organized on the occasion of the exhibition Joan Antoni Fàbregas. Couture and glamor that can be seen for free at the Museum of Badalona until Sunday 31st March.  

Lecture: The Castle of Godmar, our home

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Conference: Godmar Castle, our home. By Irene Marès and Inma Pérez Irene Marés and Imma Pérez belong to the family that owns the Castle of Godmar, also known as Cal Comte, a building of medieval origin that is part of the catalog of historical and artistic heritage. Her intervention will focus on explaining the architecture […]

Lecture: Fencing and combat in the Middle Ages

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Conference: Fencing and combat in the Middle Ages. By Ernest Barceló. Ernest Barceló, fencing teacher, professionally dedicated to competition, stage and period fencing, will explain how medieval fencing is currently understood and how to define this concept. It will analyze what combat with a sword was like in that period, answering why this way of […]

Lecture: Cattle farming at the beginning of medieval Catalonia. Perspective from archaeozoological studies

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Conference: Cattle farming at the beginning of medieval Catalonia. Perspective from archaeozoological studies. By Abel Gallego. Until relatively recently, our knowledge of livestock management at the beginning of the Middle Ages in Catalonia was very limited, and was based on a few documents. Today, archeology and archaeozoology, to which Abel Gallego is dedicated, are providing […]

Lecture: The ceramic craft and its productions in Antiquity

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Lecture: The ceramic craft and its productions in Antiquity. Some examples from the north-east of Tarraconense. By Joaquim Tremoleda Trilla, PhD in Archaeology, archaeologist-conservator of the MAC-Empúries and member of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. In a society in which there was no plastic or petroleum derivatives, ceramics was the most affordable material for the manufacture […]

Lecture: Ceramics in Roman construction. News about Baetulo

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Lecture: Ceramics in Roman construction. News about Baetulo. By Esther Gurri, archaeologist and curator of the Museum of Badalona. Since Greek times, the constructions of temples and some public buildings were made of stone, but the roofs and some of their crowns were made of ceramic. The same thing happened in the houses, despite having […]

Presentation of the book Les illes interiors by Maria Carme Roca

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Presentation of the book Les illes interiors, of Columna Edicions, which explains the hidden history of Esmeralda Cervantes, artistic name of Clotilde Cerdà i Bosch (1861-1926), daughter of the engineer and urban planner Ildefons Cerdà (1815-1876). The event will be in charge of its author, the historian and philologist, Maria Carme Roca, and will include […]

Presentation of the book Joan Soler i Amigó. La revolta de la tradició, by Emili Muñoz

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

The book, the result of intense research carried out by the historian Emili Muñoz, includes the biography of Joan Soler i Amigó (Badalona 1941-Badalona 2022), pedagogue, writer and prominent scholar of popular culture, who to play an important role in the political and associative life of our city. The presentation event will be led by […]

Ceramics in the wrecks of the Roman period on the Catalan coast

Museum of Badalona Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Rut Geli Mauri, head of the Center for Underwater Archeology of Catalonia, will reveal to us the secrets of underwater archeology and the importance of the discoveries that have been made in recent years around the Catalan coast. Each excavated wreck provides valuable information, both about the trade routes and about the different ceramic elements […]