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Round table: 50 years of Filmets

Wednesday 23th October, 7 pm

23 October 2024 - 19:00 a 20:30

Free entry until full capacity

On the occasion of the fiftieth edition of the Filmets festival and the commemoration of the centenary of amateur cinema in Catalonia, a round table will be held with the participation of Agustí Argelich and Joan Francesc Escrihuela. Both started making films very young within the Amateur Cinema Section of the Badalona Municipal Museum, and together with Meritxell Parra and Josep Padrós, they were, in the words of the president, Josep Parra “the youngest members of the Section”. Subsequently both have dedicated themselves to the audiovisual world, and have contributed enormously to the dynamism of amateur cinema and to the knowledge, localization and rescue of films by other authors, which are part of our cinematographic heritage and that, thanks to their work, they have been saved from oblivion and destruction.

During the round table, which will be moderated by the director of the Museum, Margarida Abras, fragments of various films, both documentaries and fiction, made by members of the aforementioned Amateur Cinema Section will be shown.



Galeria de fotos


23 October 2024
19:00 a 20:30
Event Categories:


Museum of Badalona
Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1
Badalona, Barcelona 08911 Spain
+ Google Map
933 841 750