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Presentation: The 50 of Badalona. Deportation to Nazi camps

Wednesday 14th June, 7 pm

14 June 2023 - 19:00 a 20:30

Free entry until full capacity

The historians Mateu Chalmeta and Joan Villarroya are the authors of this book. This is the result of a long and careful research about the Badalonian deportees in the Nazi camps.

The work is structured in three sections. The first is a historical introduction that brings us closer to the circumstances of the moment: the end of the Civil War and the subsequent exile, the French refugee camps, the Foreign Worker Companies, the Nazi concentration camps world and the specific case of the Mauthausen camp, where the majority of deportees from Badalona ended up after World War II broke out.

The second part, arranged chronologically according to the departure date of the convoys, is dedicated to the deportees and provides a short biography of each of them.

Finally, the third block analyzes, based on statistical data, the characteristics of the deportees of Badalona: who they were, their places of origin, profession, political militancy, etc.

The book contains a lot of unpublished data and, thanks to the painstaking work carried out, the addresses of the majority of the deportees are now known, which will allow, in the future, to mark these places with the Stolpersteine cobblestones, which have already been requested in through the Memorial Democràtic de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

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14 June 2023
19:00 a 20:30
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Museum of Badalona
Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1
Badalona, Barcelona 08911 Spain
+ Google Map
933 841 750