In memory of Jordi Monés i Pujol-Busquets

It has left us Jordi Monés i Pujol-Busquets (Badalona 1928-2020), a recognized historian of education, who just a few days ago had been distinguished with the Creu del Sant Jordi “for his contribution to the knowledge of the history of education in Catalonia and for the defense of the Catalan school. ”

Initially trained in chemical engineering, Monés later studied education history, a field which he emphasized with intense research work that led to numerous specialized publications. From 1979 to 1993, when he retired, he taught at the Institute of Education Sciences and the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB.

In Badalona, ​​during the dictatorship years, he played an active role in the cultural world of anti-Franco resistance, from his role as president of the Centre Excursionista de Badalona and the Joventuts musicals. He also participated in the organization of the Fabra Year in our city in 1968.This and other aspects of Badalona are reflected in his memoir Els meus records, published in 2015.

From the Museum we want to emphasize in particular the articles of pedagogical theme that he published in our magazine Carrer dels Arbres, in which he collaborated in issues 4 (September-October 1979), 23 (March 1982) and 31 (January 1983) of the first period, and 14 (2003) of the third period.


Photography: ACN
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