Marina’s Chorus

We continue to take advantage of the occasion of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the death of Josep Anselm Clavé, to show you funds that we have preserved in the Museum related to the Clavé Choirs of Badalona.

Today the protagonist is the Cor de Marina.

The beginnings of this organization date back to 1876, when a group of fifty fishermen and fishmongers who met at the Can Punt café – on Carrer de Mar – decided to found it. Even so, the organization considers the year 1882 as the initial date and it is the one that appears on the banners.

In December 1886 they inaugurated its social place of La Rambla, where today they continue to develop their cultural and recreational activities. The building, the work of the architect Joan Baptista Pons Trabal (Barcelona 1855-1928), forms part of the protection catalog of the historical, artistic and landscape heritage of Badalona.

The building has a function room/theatre with capacity for 150 people. This space has been very productive in performances and has gone through very brilliant times. Over the years, the Cor de Marina has hosted other organizations, among which the Orfeó Badaloní stands out, which had its headquarters there between 1948 and 1972

If you want further information:

Montserrat Carreras. “El Cor de Marina i la seva activitat al 1897”. A: Cor de Marina. Festes de Nadal 1997.
Montserrat Carreras. “El Cor de Marina entre l’esbarjo i el mutualisme 1882 -1899”. A: Cor de Marina. Festes de Nadal 2006.
Montserrat Carreras i Jaume Arqué Ferrer. “Els espais escènics de Badalona”. A: Carrer dels Arbres, núm. 4. 4a. època.


Banner of the Cor de Marina [1914-1920]
Embroidered fabrics and trimmings. 97 x 75 cm
Inv. MB 9694. Donation of the Cor de Marina (year 2007)

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