Contractor profile

The contracting profile is the means of disseminating the contractual activity of the Badalona Museum, through its institutional website.

In this profile, the tenders of the contracts that are processed through the open, restricted, negotiated with advertising and competitive dialogue are disseminated.

The profile gives you access to all the information and documentation of these tenders and awards, while ensuring the transparency of the contract files.

In the profile you will find the current tenders, the administrative clauses and the technical prescriptions that govern them, the requirements for presentation of the proposals and all the essential information of each specific procedure, as well as the contracts that are awarded, The basic data of the award and other contractual information.

Register of bidders

The ability to contract with the Badalona Museum can be voluntarily certified by your registration in an official register of bidding companies, either the Official Register of Bidders and Classified Companies of the State (ROLECE), the Generalitat de Catalunya Catalonia (Electronic Register of Companies Bidders – RELI-) or of the Diputació de Barcelona.