Central table of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra

Central table of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra
[1491-1496][Rafael Vergós, Pere Alemany]
Central table of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian made by the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra.
Divided into two compartments, the main one shows a full-body representation of Saint Sebastian, who is dressed as a knight in a luxurious and elegant way. The character holds his usual attributes, the bow and arrows of martyrdom, and is placed in an enclosed space organized from a tiled floor. Right behind him, two angels hold a cloth of honor with brocade decorations. All the characters have nimbus made of gold leaf and decorated with punches and a black outline.
The upper compartment shows a representation of Calvary, according to traditional Gothic models. The composition centers on the figure of the Crucified, who appears flanked on both sides by the Sorrowful Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist. The scene is set in a landscape of remarkable depth with a city in the background, geographical accidents and abundant vegetation.
Material: Carved, polychrome and gilded wood Dimensions: 255 x 79 cm Ref.: MB inv. 18975Altres peces del mateix període
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