Flag of Gent Nova

Flag of Gent Nova
1901de Joan Amigó i Barriga (Badalona 1875-1958)
Flag of the Centre Catalanista Gent Nova of Badalona (1899-1921). It won the first prize of the flags contest of Sabadell, that took place in the early twentieth century. It was preserved by the Orfeó Badaloní, the heir entity of Gent Nova. It is a rectangular piece of cloth, embroidered with a finished spear-shaped support, which has a lyre on top. The support has a wood crosspiece with a bent reinforcement with a rope shape and a circular plate with the shield of the entity Gent Nova. The banner, decorated with floral and geometric motifs, has the flag on the top, sticking out the rectangle principal, and a cross in the opposite corner. In the center there is a circular medallion with the name of the organization on a yellow floral background, on the side there’s a border and the name of the city below. It has fringes in the bottom edge.
Material: Damask, velvet and moire, decorated with fluted ribbons, metallic embroidery, trimmings and glass fragments. Support of wood and worked metal. Dimensions: 154 x 200 cm (estendard) / 290 x 77 x 20 cm (suport) Ref.: MB inv. 7822Altres peces del mateix període
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