The Museum joins the SignemMuseus project, which brings sign language to Catalan museums

The Museum of Badalona has joined the SignemMuseus project aimed at promoting inclusive culture through a program of guided tours of Catalan museums by deaf people signing in Catalan Sign Language (LSC).

The initiative is part of the European project POCTEFA-ARTIS (Art for social inclusion), promoted by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya through the Museum Service and Protection of Movable Property, together with the Group of the Deaf people from Vic and the region in coordination with the MEV Museum of Medieval Art in Vic.

The uniqueness of the proposal lies in the fact that it gives prominence and a job opportunity to the group of deaf people, making them both mediators and guides of the Museum and co-authors of a new activity built on the visits that they are usually performed for hearing people.

For this second pilot test – the pioneer was held at the MEV, Museum of Medieval Art of Vic – which will take place during the months of March and April, five visits have been scheduled to different Catalan museums that will be in charge of Martu Pericas, art historian, and Sergio Cuadros, electronic and automatic engineer.

Sant Cugat Museum: Sunday 27 March, at 11 am
Ecomuseum-Flour Mill of Castelló d’Empúries: Saturday 2 April, at 11 am
Can Quintana. Mediterranean Museum: Sunday, April 9, at 11 a.m.
Badalona Museum: Sunday 24 April, at 11 am
Alcover Museum: Saturday, April 30, at 11:30 a.m.


Further information:

Beyond these five proposals, there is a joint desire that this proposal be extended to other facilities in the near future and become part of the stable programming of museums, thus promoting the employment inclusion of deaf people.



The Museum collaborates with the Medieval Festival of Badalona

Once again, the Museum is collaborating with the Badalona Medieval Festival, hosting the lecture “Blasonar Badalona: els escuts de la ciutat” given by the historian Nil Rider, next Tuesday, March 29th, at 7 p.m.

Admission is free until capacity is reached.



The Museum joins the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Gran Teatre del Liceu

The Gran Teatre del Liceu has organized, on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of its foundation, a complete calendar of activities that will be carried out throughout Catalonia during the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 seasons.

The aim is to share the years of the Theater’s history with people and organizations that have somehow contributed to its construction and growth. With this in mind, the “Museus i Liceu: una història compartida” project was also born, which invites museums and collections in Catalonia to take part in the ephemeris by exhibiting some pieces related to Barcelona’s great lyrical theater.

Our Museum joins the initiative, in which a total of 119 Catalan cultural centers participate, showing two pieces closely linked to the Liceu: a bowler hat that belonged to Vicenç Bosch and a stole that Vicenta Romeva Romeva used to wear when she attended this opera house. We invite you to discover them until April 17th.







The artist and pedagogue Maria Niubó i Prats joins the XML Virtual Women’s Gallery

The Museum joins the Women’s Virtual Gallery of the Local Museum Network, and this year it is doing so by vindicating and disseminating the biography and work of an artist and pedagogue from Badalona, Maria Niubó i Prats.

Born in Badalona in 1931, she graduated in Fine Arts and since 1947 participated in several group exhibitions and won several awards in art competitions.

In 1957 she was a founding member of REM, an innovative artistic group that introduced and defended abstract art in the city of Badalona.

Between 1957 and 1960 she painted the fresco on the high altar of the church of the Barefoot Carmelite Fathers in Badalona, where it can be seen today.

An art pedagogue, a field in which she carried out tireless work, she worked as a teacher in different centers. In 1968, she created the Obrador, an art education workshop for children, which operated for more than eleven years. She collaborated with the I International Congress on the Teaching of Fine Arts and was the organizing secretary of INSEA (International Society Education Through Art).

In 1985 she resumed her artistic activity and, since then, she has incorporated the use of computers into the creative process. In 1996 she held a solo exhibition at the Museum of Badalona. Maria Niubó died in Badalona in 2017.

For further information:

You can see the gallery here:

Mural decoration project for the high altar of the church of the Barefoot Carmelite Fathers in Badalona. Maria Niubó Prats | 1957-1958
Gouache, watercolor and Chinese ink on paper | 60 x 84 cm. Núm. inv.18061. Museu de Badalona

Maria Niubó i Prats painting the mural decoration of the church of Barefoot Carmelite Fathers in Badalona. Photo: Família Niubó i Prats.






The Roman festival of Badalona returns, the Magna Celebratio, which in this edition – which will take place from April 28th to May 1st – will focus on clothing in Roman times.

Come to the Museum and travel to the Roman Baetulo with demonstrations and recreations of historical reenactment, lectures and shows that will bring you closer to the daily life of our Roman ancestors.


The Night of the Museums will be held on May 14th

As usual, this year the Museum will join in the celebration of the Night of the Museums, one of the most important activities organized on the occasion of International Museum Day (May 18th). Thus, on Saturday 14th May, from 7 pm to 1 am, you can visit the Roman Baths and the Decumanus space (in the Museum building), the Dolphins House and the House of the Ivy. Free of charge.


General view of the House of the Ivy. Foto: F. Garcia / Museu de Badalona

The Museum is preparing an exhibition about the seafront factories

The Museum is working on an exhibition about the industries that inhabited the city’s seafront from the second half of the 19th century to the 1940s.

The exhibition will be open to the public free of charge from 26th May to 25th September in the Museum’s temporary exhibition hall, although it will be closed during the month of August.


Revista de Badalona available online

The Museum’s website adds a new online resource with the digitization of the publications Revista de Badalona (1941-2012) and Reforma de Badalona (1976-1977) which are preserved in the Historical Archive of the City.

Revista de Badalona – transformed into Reforma de Badalona for less than a year – is the city’s longest-running journalistic newspaper. It began to be published in 1941 until 2012. It is therefore 70 years of Badalona history, collected in the form of a weekly, most of which – from 1941 to 1989 – are now on our website.

The digitization of the Revista de Badalona has been a long-term project that is now culminating and that fulfills two important objectives. On the one hand, it promotes the preservation of the original publication and, on the other hand, it makes available to researchers, scholars and the general public the information gathered in this first-rate historical source on aspects as diverse as politics. society, culture, entertainment, business or sports.



New capacity for the lectures about the altarpiece of San Sebastián

In compliance with the new provisions approved by the government of the Generalitat de Catalunya in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, from next week the activities scheduled in the auditorium will recover 100% of the capacity. As a result, we have new tickets for conferences scheduled for the next few days. If you are interested in attending, just sign up on our website.

Click to view scheduled conferences

We also take this opportunity to remind you that these talks will be broadcast live on our youtube channel.


Calendar of activities from January to April 2022

Here you can download the agenda of activities of the Museum where you will find our proposals for the coming months.

For further information you can call 933 841 750 or email
