The Museum joins the SignemMuseus project, which brings sign language to Catalan museums
The Museum of Badalona has joined the SignemMuseus project aimed at promoting inclusive culture through a program of guided tours of Catalan museums by deaf people signing in Catalan Sign Language (LSC).
The initiative is part of the European project POCTEFA-ARTIS (Art for social inclusion), promoted by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya through the Museum Service and Protection of Movable Property, together with the Group of the Deaf people from Vic and the region in coordination with the MEV Museum of Medieval Art in Vic.
The uniqueness of the proposal lies in the fact that it gives prominence and a job opportunity to the group of deaf people, making them both mediators and guides of the Museum and co-authors of a new activity built on the visits that they are usually performed for hearing people.
For this second pilot test – the pioneer was held at the MEV, Museum of Medieval Art of Vic – which will take place during the months of March and April, five visits have been scheduled to different Catalan museums that will be in charge of Martu Pericas, art historian, and Sergio Cuadros, electronic and automatic engineer.
Sant Cugat Museum: Sunday 27 March, at 11 am
Ecomuseum-Flour Mill of Castelló d’Empúries: Saturday 2 April, at 11 am
Can Quintana. Mediterranean Museum: Sunday, April 9, at 11 a.m.
Badalona Museum: Sunday 24 April, at 11 am
Alcover Museum: Saturday, April 30, at 11:30 a.m.
Further information:
Beyond these five proposals, there is a joint desire that this proposal be extended to other facilities in the near future and become part of the stable programming of museums, thus promoting the employment inclusion of deaf people.