The Museum becomes the setting for the play Agamemnon by Teorema Teatre

On Friday, October 7th, at 8 p.m., the Museum will host the play Agamemnon produced by Teorema Teatre, based on the texts of the Greek lyric poet Iannis Ritsos.

The work narrates the return of Iphigènia to her home after many years of absence. The young woman will go to see the abandoned rooms of her late parents, King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, where the great tragedy of the Atreans took place. Their presence still resound in the rooms: the words of the father and the powerful looks of the mother.

Ritsos recovers the tragic characters and, through a deep, poetic and committed personal vision, makes them even more universal. We have, on stage, a lesson in humanity where the flaws and virtues of the military are exposed, where we can grasp the validity of the abused concepts of sacrifice, victory, success and old age. Let yourself be carried away by the senses.

In this show you will find the following Ritsos texts, translated by Joan Casas: Agamèmnon (Ἀγαμέμνων, 1970), El retorn d’Iphigènia (Η παραστή της Ιφιγένειας, 1972), Epitaph (Ἐπιτάφιος, 1936). The fragment of Epitaph that you will hear has been translated by Casas expressly for this production.

General: €20
Young people, retired and unemployed: €15
Link to buy tickets:

Complementary free activity at Espai Betúlia on October 10th at 7pm. Conversation with the artistic team of Agamemnon, and the translator of the work from the Greek, Joan Casas.

Artistic sheet:
Author: Iannis Ritsos
Direction and dramaturgy: Gerard Bidegain and Figuerola
Translator: Joan Casas Fuster
Performers: Zúbel Arana Bernal, Oriol Genís i Vilà and Cristina Martí Ninot

Scenic space and image: Rafa Haro Galera
Sound space: Zúbel Arana Bernal
Choreography: Cristina Martí Ninot
Lighting, costumes and characterization: Alba Paituví Garcia
Assistant director: Laia Gotsens
Linguistic advice: Rosa Victòria Grac
Executive production: Teorema Teatre
Video and photography: Arnau Artigas

Co-production of Teorema Teatre and the LOLA Festival
Acknowledgments: Ery Ritsou, Júlia Genís, Jordi Raventós, Ariadna Chillida, Carme Paltor, Marta Puig, Carles Reynés, Robert Jaumeandreu, Adesiara Editorial,, Castells i Planas de Cardedeu Workshop, Tramateatre, Sala Atrium de Barcelona, ​​El Teatret d’Esparreguera and Windows bookstore.

Duration: 1 hour
With the support of the Cultural Initiative Support Office


The Parera Perfumery exhibition arrives at the Museum this December

On December, the Museum will present an exhibition and a book about Perfumeria Parera, a company founded in Badalona, ​​and located in the city for many years.

Precisely this 2022 marks 100 years since the appearance of its star product, Varon Dandy, which was a pioneer in the universe of men’s fragrances.

The exhibition, entitled Perfumeria Parera. 100 years of Varón Dandy, will show together a large set of flasks, some very old and of remarkable artistic value, from different private collections, and will also incorporate different advertising elements, especially from the period before the Civil War. There will also be a section dedicated to other perfume factories in Badalona.

With the exhibition, a book is published, the result of a long research carried out by the author, Núria Casals, which recounts in detail the history of Perfumery Parera and gives an overview of the other factories of the fragrances that existed in the city.


The Museum publishes “The lost factories of the maritime front” online

The Museum offers you this magnificent and accurate review of the history of the main factories of the Badalona seafront such as the Ribó, Domènech and Garriga cordage factories, the Unió Vidriera d’Espanya, the CAMPSA, the CACI, Lorilleux or G. de Andreis M.E., to name only some of them.

Besides the texts, which accompany the exhibition of the same name produced by the Badalona Museum, the publication also includes photographs of some of the most outstanding pieces that can be seen in the exhibition, such as objects, pictures, posters , plans and other documents that bear witness to the factories that were there, many forgotten, and the role they played in turning Badalona into a large production center.



The city of Baetulo joins the Arqueopodcasts of the Arqueoxarxa

The site of the Roman city of Baetulo is added to the offer of the Arqueopodcast, a digital and periodic publication in audio form, which promotes the Arqueoxarxa, through the MAC.

We invite you to explore the roots of Baetulo, one of the first foundations in the province of Hispania Tarraconensis, with the help of our director, Margarida Abras.

The Arqueopodcast program, launched in July 2021, aims to publicize the wealth and diversity of the different archaeological museums and archaeological sites in Catalonia that makes up the Arqueoxarxa, as well as other current and interesting archaeological content general.
We invite you to discover them all!


The cycle of talks dedicated to “The lost factories of the maritime front” continues

Next week we will restart the cycle of conferences that we have organized around the exhibition The lost factories of the maritime front and that we started on June 2nd with the talk The labor movement before the Civil War, which was offered by Dr. Joan Villarroya and Font.

On Thursday, September 8th, at 7 p.m., we will have the visit of Pier Berglund, agronomist engineer, founder of the company DAC ENVIRO SL who will tell us about The process of decontamination of the maritime front of Badalona.

During the rest of the month and while the exhibition lasts -it ends on Sunday 25th September-, other lectures have been scheduled around industrialization in Badalona and its effects, to which we invite you to join us:

Tuesday September 13th, 7 pm
Poetry recital: La punxada del passat
By Marcel Riera

Thursday September 15th, 7 pm
Lecture: The transformation of the western strip of the maritime front and the projects of the 3 chimneys
By Xavier Salvà i Rafael Argelich, architects

Thursday September 22nd, 7 pm
Lecture: The Industry and the train on the maritime front of Badalona

By Xavier Nubiola, engineer

All activities will take place in the Museum’s auditorium and are free to access until capacity is reached.




Restoration of the Saint Sebastian altarpiece (inv. MB 18975)

The conservator-restorer specialized in painting, Rosa Marina Ruiz, has carried out the restoration of the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian from the old monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra, acquired by the Museum of Badalona in October 2021. It has been a careful and painstaking work that has lasted for two months of intense occupation.

The line of work has consisted, first of all, of an exhaustive study of the work and analysis to learn about the technique and the materials used by the artist. Afterwards, the surface was cleaned and the layers of pictorial and gilded preparation were fixed, as well as some gaps were reintegrated. The reverse side of the piece has also been cleaned and the wood has been disinfected.

This action, the details of which will be published in an article in the magazine Carrer dels Arbres, published by the Museum, consolidates and ensures the conservation of the piece in the best conditions for future years.

We hope to be able to show it again soon and that we can all enjoy it.


The façade of the Museum becomes a showcase of Roman heritage

From tomorrow, July 20th, the façade of the Museum will be transformed into a privileged window through which, periodically, the most emblematic pieces of the Roman Baetulo will show up. The initiative responds to a new communication strategy in the form of large banners with which it wants to achieve a greater advertising impact with the environment.

The Badalona Museum preserves more than 6,200 registered pieces from the Roman era, of which 800 can be seen in the permanent exhibition Baetulo Ciutat romana. The project we are now presenting will allow some of the most representative objects of this classic legacy to see the light of day and be known to the citizens who pass by the Museum on a daily basis. In this way, the façade of the building becomes a promotional showcase that will arouse the interest of pedestrians and invite them to discover the treasures that the Museum preserves in its subsoil and that represent the historical and patrimonial legacy of one of the most important Roman cities in Catalonia.


The new issue of Carrer dels Arbres 2022 magazine, online

The new issue of the magazine of the Museum of Badalona, Carrer dels Arbres, digital magazine of history and heritage of Badalona, corresponding to the year 2022, is available on our website. We hope that you enjoy the articles It includes.

Download the magazine


Last minute change in the Summer Nights program

For reasons beyond out the Museum’s control, the Duo Enol, which was scheduled to play at the Museum’s Summer Nights at the factory of the Anís del Mono on Friday, July 15th, will not be able to perform. In its place, we will have the presence of the Claret Cello Duo.

This cello duet, formed by the Andorran performers Jordi and Daniel Claret, will present a classical repertoire with an unusual format in the current stages, but which has been very successful with critics and audiences where it has performed thanks, above all, to the his complicity on stage.




Panel of the ceramist Cuní recovered

In recent days, a building located on Carrer dels Arbres with a mural by Cuní (Eduard Alonso Cuní), a potter born in Mollet del Vallès in 1927, has been demolished.

The good disposition of the architect and the person in charge of the demolition has allowed the Museum to recover some pieces of the stoneware panels that made up the façade, as well as fragments of the part with more volume of the whole.

The donation to the Museum by Jordi Ballesteros of the piece with the signature of the author that had already been collected by him, will complete the set collected.

These pieces will be incorporated into the Museum’s collection, and will be documented, cataloged and kept in the safety and conservation conditions that guarantee their preservation.

At the same time as this panel, a fragment of the balcony railing of the house on the corner of Carrer dels Arbres / Avinguda Martí Pujol, a modernist house by the architect of Badalona, Joan Amigó, has also been preserved.