Presentation of the stamps of the Anís del Mono postponed

The presentation of the two stamps edited by the Philatelic Group of Badalona on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Anís del Mono factory, which was due today, March 11th, at 7 pm, is postponed until new date, in compliance with municipal guidelines on public health.


The February 1948’s storm

The interest that we have noticed in seeing and sharing the photographs of the previous gallery, where some of sea storms and their consequences were shown, has motivated the Museum to search among the photographic collections that it retains to show you this album of photographs taken by Francisco Prat Vila, a photographer fan and a member of the Grup Excursionista de Badalona. The description of the images is, in almost all cases, the one that Francisco Prat wrote down on his album.

All are images of the storm that was in February 1948,  exactly 72 years ago.

View gallery


New dates available to visit the Anis factory

On occasion of the exhibition The diamond of Badalona, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Anís del Mono factory, and because of the huge demand for tickets for a guided tour in this emblematic Badalona industry, the Museum has opened several extra groups in different dates of April, May and June. If you are interested in purchasing any of these tickets, please contact the Museum: 933 841 750.

The number of tickets is limited and they usually run out quickly, however, we remind you that the Museum organizes this visit regularly every third Sunday of the month (except for July and August).


Calendar of activities from January to April 2020

You can download the program of activities of the Museum, where you’ll find countless proposals from January to April.

For further information: 933 841 750

Download program of activities

The activities around Enric Giralt’s exhibition up to begin

This Thursday begins the complementary activities of the exhibition Enric Giralt, journalist of the Transition, which includes a cycle of lectures on the Transition and the role of the media during this intense episode of our recent history as well as a guided tour of the exhibition in charge of the Museum’s historian and technician, M. Dolors Nieto.

Access to these activities is free but in the case of the guided tour, which will take place on Sunday, January 26th at 11 am, we recommend that you pre-register at the Museum (933 841 750)

Download flyer

Baetulo stars in the XIV Days of teaching of the classic languages

The Roman city of Baetulo will be the protagonist of the XIV Days of teaching of the classic languages that is organized annually by the Official College of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Sciences and in Sciences of Catalonia and which will take place on March 13 and 14th . This edition, entitled Baetulo: A Reality in the 21st Century, will focus on the historical reconstruction and current situation of the archeological heritage of Badalona. The director of the Museum, Margarida Abras, and the techniques Clara Forn and Esther Espejo will take part in the study day of the 14th, which will take place in the auditorium of the Museum of Badalona.

For further information


An exhibition about Pedro Rovira starts to run

The Museum of Badalona, along with the Antoni de Montpalau Foundation, is preparing an exhibition of haute couture dressmaker Pedro Rovira i Planas (Badalona 1921-1978), on occasion of the centenary of his birth on 2021.

The exhibition, which will be held in the Museum of Badalona in 2021, will be completed by the publication of a biography written by Josep Casamartina.

We are looking for people who have pieces made by Pedro Rovira who are willing to leave them for the exhibition or allow us to photograph and document them. You can contact us from now on to have time to properly photograph and document the pieces.

Contact: M. Dolors Nieto

Photography: Fundació Antoni de Montpalau


A piece from the Museum in an exhibition in Arenys de Mar

On January 26th, the exhibition A sea of tulle opens at the Museum Marès de la Punta, in Arenys de Mar. This exhibition will be on in the temporary exhibition hall of this museum until the end of 2020.

The Museum of Badalona collaborates in this exhibition with a piece from its collection – MB 17545. It is a communion towel, 185 x 85 cm. of cotton thread linen, with embroidery and with a fine mesh tip – also called Arenys’ tip. This towel was kept in the homes to be used if someone lying down or ill, and had to receive communion. This piece, a donation from the Formentí Famadas family, was part of the trousseau of Concepció Caritg, wife of the mayor of Badalona, Martí Pujol.


Christmas schedule

During the Christmas holidays, the Museum will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th in the afternoon, on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th, all day, and on Tuesday, December 31st. For the New Year, the Museum will be closed on Wednesday, January 1st.

The Christmas holidays will also affect the opening hours of the Historical Archive of the City, which will close at 1 noon on Tuesday, December 24th and will remain closed on Tuesday, December 31st.

The book of Anís del Mono on sale in the Museum shop

The book Anís del Mono since 1870, the work published by the Osborne Foundation on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the factory, is now on sale in the Museum shop. Profusely illustrated with unpublished photographs of Antonio Guillén, the book reviews the history of the brand, explains the method of obtaining the anise and claims the importance and legacy of this unique factory of Badalona.