In memory of Jordi Monés i Pujol-Busquets

It has left us Jordi Monés i Pujol-Busquets (Badalona 1928-2020), a recognized historian of education, who just a few days ago had been distinguished with the Creu del Sant Jordi “for his contribution to the knowledge of the history of education in Catalonia and for the defense of the Catalan school. ”

Initially trained in chemical engineering, Monés later studied education history, a field which he emphasized with intense research work that led to numerous specialized publications. From 1979 to 1993, when he retired, he taught at the Institute of Education Sciences and the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB.

In Badalona, ​​during the dictatorship years, he played an active role in the cultural world of anti-Franco resistance, from his role as president of the Centre Excursionista de Badalona and the Joventuts musicals. He also participated in the organization of the Fabra Year in our city in 1968.This and other aspects of Badalona are reflected in his memoir Els meus records, published in 2015.

From the Museum we want to emphasize in particular the articles of pedagogical theme that he published in our magazine Carrer dels Arbres, in which he collaborated in issues 4 (September-October 1979), 23 (March 1982) and 31 (January 1983) of the first period, and 14 (2003) of the third period.


Photography: ACN

The first tram in Badalona

In March 1887, so 133 years ago, the first tram linking Badalona to Barcelona came into operation. It was the result of a long history that had, among other works, involved the construction of bridges over Bogatell and Besòs, completed in 1883 and 1885, respectively.

The tram used animal traction between Barcelona and Sant Martí de Provençals, as the Barcelona City Council refused to authorize the use of steam engines inside the city. From Sant Martí to Badalona the traction was mechanical, and it was approved in 1885. Finally, on March 20th, 1887, the line was opened with the presence of the authorities.

Despite the irregular schedules, the tram was very successful and was used by a considerable number of people. You can find more information at the magazine Carrer dels Arbres, 3a època, núm. 6, 1995, p. 59-70. And if you want to read some anecdote firsthand, you must not miss the news published by El Eco de Badalona on March 12th, 19th and 25th, 1887.


Steam tram of the same type that circulated in Badalona from 1887. Unknown/ Museu de Badalona. Arxiu Josep M. Cuyàs


Tram crossing Badalona. Unknown/ Museu de Badalona. Arxiu Josep M. Cuyàs


Tram crossing the Besòs river. Museu de Badalona. AI

The first pandemic in history: the Antonine plague

Did you know that the first pandemic in history happened in Roman times?

The coronavirus pandemic is testing a big part of our globalized world. But this is one of the different epidemics and pandemics that has recorded the history of mankind, which has suffered several times of health crisis, which were settled with more or less fortune.

The Antonine plague, also called the Antonine pest or Galenian plagues, was the first to affect the Roman Empire in the second century AD, in the western world. It happened at the end of the reign of the Antonine Dinasty (165-180 AD) that gives name to the plague.  To this Dynasty, one of ghe longest in the Roman Empire (96-192 AC) belonged the emperors Nerva, Traianus, Adrianus, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and Commodus.


Sestertius of Commodus (179 dC)


Although the exact place of the origin of this epidemic is unknown, it is known that it began in the East and from there it spread through communication networks, either by land or by the sea. One of the causes of the spread of the contagion was the return of military troops from the East, after the war with the parthians in 167 AD. Luci Verus, co-emperor with Marc Aureli, commanded one hundred thousand people, often lacking in hygiene, which  meant high epidemiological risk. One fact, according to Historia Augusta, a collection of biographies of the emperors of the second and third centuries AD, had the fatality of leaving traces of the plague in all the provinces where it passed until reaching Rome. Also spoke about he pest Amianus Marcelinus, a historian of the fourth century AD, who said that the plague “filled with disease and death all the territory located between the lands of the Persians, the Rhine and Gaul.”

Symptoms of the disease were described by Galen, a well-known physician in Pergamum (now Turkey) who traveled to Rome in 169 as a gladiator’s physician, but due to the epidemic soon had to heal senior Roman officials, until the emperor Marcus Aurelius appointed him as physician of Lucius Verus and Commodus.

According to Galen’s description of the symptoms, a specialist debate has been conducted to determine what the condition might be and it looks like it was an hemorrhagic smallpox.


Miniature from the 6th century AD of the copy of the book De Materia Medica of Dioscorides (c.40-90 AD). National Library of Austria


The History Augusta also states that, as Marc Aurelius was campaigning against the Marcomans in the Danube (170-174 AD), “an epidemic arose so great that corpses had to be transported in different vehicles and carriages.”

In the wake of the plague, Antoninian emperors were forced to enact numerous laws, which are still preserved in the Digest Treaty, on the ways to move and bury corpses, as well as the harsh penalties imposed if the rules were not obeyed.

It has been estimated that the Antonine plague affected 7-10% of the Empire’s population, which is estimated to be approximately 50 million people. Therefore, the epidemic took away between 3 and 5 million of people. When we talk about the army and the cities, it seems that the mortality could have been slightly higher, between 13 and 15%, due to the concentration of people in the same space.

This pandemic is considered the seventh most lethal in history. It affected all Roman social classes: Lucius Verus died shortly after arriving in Rome, and later, in 180 AD, when it is believed that there was an outbreak of the disease, Marcus Aurelius died in present-day Vienna.


Dupondius of Marcus Aurelius (170-71 dC)


The conclusion is that it was a global epidemic, what we now call a pandemic, both in terms of its geographical extension and its effects on the population. The mental, social, economic and military impact of the crisis was significant for the future of the Roman Empire, especially if we think that they didn’t have the medical or technological knowledge we have today to overcome a similar situation, to explain it, to understand its origins and, above all, to stop it.

In memory of Joan Cuadrench, a beloved priest in Badalona

Mn. Joan Cuadrench died this weekend from Covid 19. From the Museum of Badalona we want to remind his pastoral activity in our city for many years. He stayed first in the parish of Sant Sebastià de Pomar and, years later, he was the parish priest of the parish of Sant Antoni de Llefià. In both places, their work went beyond the strictly religious sense, and their figure had become a mainstay for the benefit of the community, a community made up of hard working people, many coming from outside Catalonia. His work was intense and he always sought ways to organize services designed to meet the pressing needs of a population with modest and often very limited resources. He also did an important job promoting Catalan courses to make it easier for residents and parishioners to get more education and access the labor market. Indeed, the book The Neighborhood Movement in Barcelonès Nord, by José Miguel Cuesta, published recently by the Museum, collects his testimony and mentions the enormous work he carried out in the mentioned neighborhoods.

The photograph that accompanies this note, from the Museum’s  Archive of Images, comes from the collection of the Historical Archive Association of Llefià, with which the Museum signed an agreement years ago to preserve and contribute to disseminate the collected photos and preserved by this entity.


All activities and guided tours postponed

The exceptional circumstances we are experiencing in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, and in accordance with the measures set by the authorities to prevent its spread, the Museum have postponed all activities scheduled for now, until Sunday, April 5th . This also affects guided visits to the Anis del Mono factory which are postponed until further notice.

For any queries, do not hesitate to contact us: 933 841 750.


Dalt de la Vila almost fifty years ago

Not yet fifty years ago, the oldest district of Badalona, Dalt de la Vila, formed by streets that seem to never change and where it seems that nothing ever happened, was not – in any case – as it is now. In forty-five years, everything has changed a lot.

The photographer Jaume Sacasas made in 1975 several photo reports on Dalt de la Vila and some other areas of the city, commissioned by the Museum, with the idea of ​​documenting some houses and streets that had no protection in front of the constructive fever and, above all, that they were not considered anything special. They were basically perceived as old, but were not recognized as heirs to the history of an entire population.

Many of the houses and streets were claimed and became part of the catalog of historical and artistic heritage, which was approved by the City Council in 1980.

Watch the pictures and think if that protection was enough.

View gallery

Dalt de la Vila fa gairebé cinquanta anys

We keep working for you

Although we cannot open the Museum in the present circumstances, we keep working. During the closing days, you can continue contacting the professionals of the institution and make inquiries to us at or on in our social networks. We will try to answer you as far as we can.


Exceptional measures because of the coronavirus

Due to the coronavirus epidemic and due to the activation of the PROCICAT Action Plan, in accordance with the prevention measures adopted today, March 11, by the City Council of Badalona, the Badalona Museum suspends all public activity scheduled for a period of 15 days.

The cancellation only affects the scheduled activities, as the Museum will continue opening at regular times, both for the archeological site and for temporary exhibitions.

This information may be modified as new directions arrive. Stay tuned to our usual broadcast channels (web, social networks …)

Thanks for your understanding.

Read the statement of the City Council. March 11, 2020


The exhibition Bacchus, the masks of the god continues bearing fruit

As a result of the exhibition Bacchus, the masks of the god, produced by our Museum and which could be seen in Badalona from March 28th to June 9th, 2019, different initiatives to collaborate with other Catalan museums with outstanding pieces linked to this god, have begun. So, on Friday, March 20th, at 7 pm, the curator of the Museum and curator of the exhibition of Badalona, Esther Gurri, will make a guided visit to the exhibition A divine couple. The return of Bacchus which can be seen in the Gavà Museum, centered on two pieces of Roman origin that represent Bacchus and Selene. A few days later, on April 3rd, an adaptation of the exhibition created by the Museum of Badalona, at the Vinseum, Museum of the Wine Cultures of Catalonia, in Vilafranca del Penedès, will be opened until June 21st.


Exhibition Bacchus, the masks of the god, at the Museum of Badalona. Photo Robert Ramos


Exhibition Bacchus, the masks of the god, at the Museum of Badalona. Photo Museu de Badalona




The exhibition The Diamond of Badalona travels to El Puerto de Santa María

The Diamond of Badalona exhibition, which can be seen until March 15th at the Museum, will travel to the Osborne Foundation’s, owner of the brand, at the end of the month,  in the town of El Puerto de Santa María, where it could be seen from March 26th until June 2st.

The exhibition, produced by the Museum of Badalona on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Anis del Mono and which has already been visited by more than 2,000 people, shows the history and the main contributions of this brand of Badalona, which became a reference in its sector, already from the end of the 19th century.