Celebrate the International Archives Day with us

The Historical Archive of the City of Badalona (AHBDN) and the Archive of Images of the Museum join the celebration of International Archives Day (DIA 2020) which will take place on June 9th. With this day, the professional community of archivists wants to raise awareness and sensitize the public about the importance of archives and with this aim they promote all kinds of activities and actions aimed at making known to all users their daily work of conservation and preservation of the collective memory.

This year, given the exceptional nature of the situation we are living in, the activities will be mostly virtual. From the Museum, specifically, we will invite you to discover different aspects of some of the many documentary collections that are preserved in these archives.

Stay tuned to our web and social media!



The new issue of Carrer dels Arbres online

The new issue of the magazine of the Museum of Badalona, Carrer dels Arbres, corresponding to the year 2020, is now available on our website.

Download magazine



The Museum opens again

The Museu de Badalona it’s open since Tuesday 26th of May at its usual opening hours, with the exception of Saturday afternoon, which will remain closed for the time being.

The number of visitors is limited to one third of the capacity in the spaces open to the public: reception, Termes-Decumanus space and temporary exhibition on the 2nd floor.

The consultation service in the Historical Archive and the Archive of Images continues electronically or by telephone, although face-to-face consultations will be only allowed in a restricted manner and only by appointment with the responsible staff.

No activities or guided tours are offered during Phase 1, nor will groups be allowed to enter (except for small family-type groups).

The House of the Dolphins and the Garden of Quintus Licinius are closed for the time being.

Despite these logical limitations, you know that we continue serving you on the phone, email, website and our social networks.



Museum opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm. Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

HERITAGE PILLS. Exhibition La gran il·lusió. El cinema a Badalona 1898-1975

Francesca Garcia, head of the Comunication department and designer of the exhibitions at the Museum of Badalona, invites you to walk through one of the most outstanding and most successful exhibitions of all those that have been seen in this museum in the recent years: The great illusion. Cinema in Badalona 1898-1975.


HERITAGE PILLS. The oscillum of Badalona

Núria Sadurní, technician of the Museum of Badalona, invites us to discover one of the most unique – and refined – pieces in the Museum’s permanent exhibition, dedicated to the Roman Baetulo: the oscillum. A decorative object from the 1st century AD, made of marble and closely linked to Bacchus, the god of wine and theater.


HERITAGE PILLS. Baetulo’s ointments

Esther Espejo, technician of the Museum of Badalona, invites us to take a look at the collection of ointments from the permanent exhibition of the Roman Baetulo. A common object in Roman homes, our ancestors used unguentarium in two of the most important rituals of their daily lives: the ritual of body worship, as hygiene and physical health, and the ritual of funeral worship, as a sample of respect for the dead.


HERITAGE PILLS. The socarrats of Can Bofí Vell

Dolors Nieto, head of the conservation and documentation department, invites us to discover a set of socarrats (clay tiles), completely unknown, which is part of the collections of the Museum of Badalona.

They are pieces of baked clay, covered by a layer of lime and with a schematic pattern made of iron oxide. These pieces were placed on the ceiling between the beams. Dating from the 16th-17th centuries, they come from the Can Bofi Vell farmhouse, a country house with a defense tower, located in the highest part of the Sant Crist district, which almost disappeared in the eighties due to its abandonment and due to being located in the area of the industrial site of Batllòria Montigalà.

They are modest, honest pieces, with a very simple decoration as were many of the farmhouses of Badalona, a heritage little considered and almost disappeared.


HERITAGE PILLS. The herma of the god Bacchus

Clara Forn, archaeologist at the Museum of Badalona, explains the peculiarities of one of the last pieces that have become part of the Museum’s archeology collection. A unique and very special piece that was discovered on February 10th, 2017 in the intervention on the side of the C31 Motorway that provided unexpected results for Badalona archeology. The beauty of his face and the elegant stroke evoke the daily splendor of some of the inhabitants of Baetulo.



HERITAGE PILLS. Portrait of Pau Rodón i Amigó

Montserrat Carreras, head of the Historical Archive of the City of Badalona, discovers us the figure of Pau Rodon i Amigó (Badalona 1870-1950) textile technician, teacher, publicist and bibliophile, based on the full-length portrait that Francisco Morillo painted  in the early twentieth century.


HERITAGE PILLS. Old woman’s head (1st century BC)

Esther Gurri,  technician-archaeologist from the Department of Archeology of the Badalona Museum, shows us a little-known piece from the Museum, despite being one of the most outstanding pieces in the permanent exhibition. It is a sculpture of a bust, of great artistic quality, of marble that has come to us a little deteriorated, in it we can see reflected the sculptural realism of Italic influence but also the Hellenism, which leads us to date the piece between 60-40 BC. This piece would be part of a funerary monument and it should be noted that this is one of the few female portraits of this period in Catalonia.