IMD 2020

May 18th is International Museum Day (IMD) and we do not want you to be without the opportunity to continue discovering and enjoying the heritage preserved by the Museum of Badalona.

Therefore, this year although the doors of the Museum are closed, we will open digital windows! On May 16th, 17th and 18th, get your computer or mobile phone ready if you don’t want to miss anything!

We will keep you informed but in the meantime we invite you to enjoy another international digital event in which we participate this week through our social networks, the #Museumweek!

Sit tibi terra levis Susanna

We are very sorry to inform you of the sudden loss of Susanna del Arca Gracia, a member of the Historical Reenactment group, a collaborator of the Museum and a good friend.

Her passage through the Historical Reenactment Group, of which she was still a part, allowed us to live with her very good moments of work, travel and experiences. She quickly earned her place in the group and enriched us with her knowledge, her serene and affable language, and her versatility, which made her able to speak about ancient documents, Roman writing or, even, of the irreverent love.

Her energy, enthusiasm and desire to grow and get knowledge made her tireless. She was always willing to collaborate, despite the difficulties, the accumulation of work or the distance. With an optimistic and vital look, and an intelligent and sharp sense of humor, she had a permanent, commanding smile that we will always remember.

May the earth rest lightly on you.



La Cremada del Dimoni, the most genuine fest in Badalona

On a day like today 80 years ago in Badalona a demon was burned for the first time. The Cremada was an initiative of the Brotherhood of Sant Anastasi, who also organized it, inspired by an episode narrated by the baron of Maldà in his book Calaix de sastre, where he comments, referring to the saint’s day in Badalona , “That the eve of this party … they set on fire a figure.”

That first Cremada took place in the place known as the excavations, the area of ​​the current Plaça de l’Assemblea de Catalunya where the Museum is now. In 1942 and 1943 it was built on the beach, which became the definitive site in 1955, the year in which the Roman baths were discovered and the first stone of the Museum was laid.

This year 2020 is not the first in which the devil won’t be burned. In 1944, when it was not yet an ingrained tradition, it was replaced by a music festival. It is not clear why, but it is possible that the cause was the lack of funds of the Brotherhood of Sant Anastasi, which had had many expenses. In any case, people protested and the cremada, from the following year, has been uninterrupted until this 2020 the state of emergency resulting from the Covid 19 has prevented it.

We’re sure we’ll burn it again next year!

Figurative aspect of the demon of 1940. Image taken from the book La Cremada del Dimoni de Badalona, by J. Mayné Amat. Museu de Badalona, 2015

The night of May 10th, the Cremada del Dimoni

The days of May are usually the most intense in festive activities, concerts, fairs and street events, but this year 2020 we will have to celebrate the May Fests in a very different way than we are used to.

This gallery is a synthesis of the act of the Cremada del Dimoni from the fifties to 1982: from the first burnings in the area of ​​Clos de la Torre (around the current square of the Assembly of Catalonia ) to those already made on the beach, in front of the monument to Roca i Pi.  From the cremada understood as a popular activity of the festivities of Sant Anastasi, patron saint of Badalona, ​​to the truly central event of the May Fests, consolidated as the most important festive cycle in the city.

In another order of things, we would like to ask your attention about how working from home has conditioned us. We haven’t been able to show different pictures that we don’t have yet digitized and we will need, in some cases, to look for the name of the author of the image. We apologize and thank you for your understanding.

Have fun, celebrate the May Fests anyway, and do your Cremada del Dimoni without lighting a fire!

View gallery



Collection of the Museum: Deville enamelled iron stove

Cast iron and enamelled stove in the shape of a vertical prism, maroon in color. With an upper opening, it has a central body where the fuel is placed and a double draft on the sides that radiated heat. At the bottom, there is a door to clean the waste and two valves to adjust the combustion.

It is a stove of the brand Deville, model Asten. Deville is a French metallurgical company founded in 1846, dedicated to heating products and stoves, still running.

This is a model from before 1940, which arrived into the Museum’s collections by a donation from Francisco Puértolas Brouhon. It came from the restaurant located on the corner of Arnús and  Soledat streets, popularly known as La Pansa.

For further information click here




75 years since the liberation of Mauthausen

On a day like today, 75 years ago, Allied troops – specifically the United States Army – liberated the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, which the Nazis had set up in 1938. Many Spanish Republicans were deported to this camp. They had had to go into exile as a result of Franco’s victory in the Civil War and, once in France or other European countries, they were immersed in World War II.

In Mauthausen-Gusen, among many other deportees, 40 people from Badalona died. Josep Borràs Lluch, also from Badalona, ​​who managed to survive, wrote a very interesting book about the concentration camp, which was published in France, where he had gone into exile, and in French, in 1989. The Museum of Badalona is working on publishing of the Catalan version of this book, which should have been presented today, although it has not been possible due to the state of emergency we are in as a result of Covid 19, but which will appear later . The book is published thanks to the collaboration of Frederic Borràs, the author’s son; of the Amical Mauthausen, and more specifically of the historian Rosa Toran -linked to this entity-, who is in charge of the prologue; and Joan Villarroya, professor of contemporary history at the UB and former director of the Museum, who provides a text about Josep Borràs and the other deportees from Badalona.

Pictures: Josep Borràs. Courtesy of Frederic Borràs.





Collection of the Museum: calendar of CH. Lorilleux & Cie

Pages of a calendar of the company Ch. Lorilleux y Cía., which reproduce works by the Czech artist Alphonse Mucha, a prominent poster artist, printed in two inks on couché paper. One ink is used for the background (lithograph of a Mucha design) and the other personalizes the calendar. In this case, the data of the month (with the name of the saint of each day) and the identification of the branch, which is that of Spain, with the office located in Barcelona, ​​in Carrer de Casanova.

Each month has a different lithographic drawing that always contains, at the bottom left, the trademark logo (with the Chantecoq mill, located near the French town of Puteaux) and, at the top right, a medal with the representation of the zodiac sign corresponding to the month in question.

Ch. Lorilleux y Cía., a company dedicated to printing inks founded in 1818 in the French town of Puteaux, opened a factory in Badalona, ​​on Carrer d’Eduard Maristany, in 1888. Popularly called La Tinta, it was the first company in this sector established in Catalonia and, for a few years, enjoyed a real monopoly. In fact, at the beginning of the 20th century, almost all the Spanish press used inks made in Badalona. In the second half of the same century it moved to the district of Manresà. The company had several names over time until it became part of the Sun Chemical industry group.

The Museum of Badalona also preserves a medal table of this company, assembled in the last decade of the 19th century (MB inv. 13387), donated by Sun Chemical, SA in 2011.

For further information click here



The Virolai, a patriotic anthem

The popular hymn to the Virgin of Montserrat, the Virolai, with lyrics by the poet Jacint Verdaguer and music by Josep Rodoreda, created on the occasion of the festivities of the Millennium of Montserrat, began to become popular during the first years of the 20th century, beyond its religious aspect, as a patriotic anthem for different sectors of Catalan society. This was the song that accompanies the proclamation of the Catalan State by Lluís Companys on October 6th, 1934, within the framework of the Second Republic. And it was also the song that the members of the republican army spontaneously sang when they crossed the Pyrenees in the retreating . The writer and editor Joan Sales masterfully describes it in his work Uncertain Glory:

“How could I ever forget that moment, when we reached the ridge of the Pyrenees and looked into the distance the great plain of towns and cities that smoked, like a goodbye to the crucified homeland we were about to leave we sang the Virolai! Everyone, even the anarchists … “.

Years later, in 1948, when Joan Sales and his family returned to Catalonia, the Virolai continued to act as a national anthem, given the Franco regime’s ban on Els Segadors. In that devastated country, Sales would carry out a huge publishing task, discovering fundamental authors for Catalan literature such as Màrius Torres, Llorenç Villalonga and Mercè Rodoreda, while his wife, also the writer and editor Núria Folch i Pi, would find in our city, Badalona, the right place ​​where developing her work as a teacher, working in two prominent schools, as the Minguella School and the Albéniz Institute.


Montserrat. Antoni Ros i Güell. Inv. MB 6671


Happy St. George’s Day 2020

To celebrate St. George’s Day, roses are a must, and here we offer you a corsage that is, in fact, a women’s hat.

This piece, as original and elegant as it is delicate, was conceived and made by hand by Conxita Salla Pallàs. Despite not being known to the general public, Conxita Salla was a more than notable designer of hats and ceremonial head ornaments for women, which she herself made either for sale or for rent. She had a workshop at Progrés street, no. 23, in Badalona, where she worked from the middle of the 20th century until 1970.

In 2013, a set of 120 pieces by Salla were added to the Museum’s collections, thanks to a donation made by her granddaughters Rosa Mari, Ariadna and Carla Miralles.

Happy St. George’s Day to all!

For further information click here


Collection of the Museu: Violetes per a Muriel

This painting, a joint work of the Santilari brothers, is a preparatory drawing that the artists gave to the Museum of Badalona on the occasion of the retrospective exhibition that they held there in 2010, when Badalona was Capital of Catalan Culture.

This is a very unique piece, as Josep and Pere Santilari are not used to to do joint works, although they share a careful technique, a realistic and meticulous style, and a deep knowledge of the history of art that is often reflects subtly on their paintings.

Muriel, one of Josep’s usual models, appears here with a slightly absent, melancholy expression and closed in on herself. It is the perfect illustration of one of the comments that Antoni Puigvert made to these artists in the introduction of the catalogue published by the Museum in 2010: “The characters of the Santilari brothers have roots: this is why we can see their soul.”

For further information click here