Live the European Archeology Days with us!

From the Museum of Badalona we join the celebration of the European Archeology Days, which will take place on 19th, 20th and 21st June. This initiative, in which many Catalan museums and sites will take part, has been successfully held in France for ten years, under the auspices of the INRAP (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research).

During these days we will share with you different content online about archeology in our city that we will be disseminating through our website and social networks. You will be able to discover the water conduit of Baetulo in a brief virtual visit – hoping that normalcy will return soon and we can walk live through this incredible millennial conduit – we will propose a workshop for the little ones to play a Roman game and we will tell you about an interesting experimental archeology project that recreates how meat was processed and how it was consumed in Roman times.

In addition, admission to the Badalona Museum will be free during the three days of the European Archeology Days.

Don’t miss it!



Found a geometric map of Badalona, from the 19th century

The digitization of the documentary holdings of the archives allows curious people to find jewels like the one we present to you.

The lawyer Jordi Ballesteros, who a few years ago found and published a French map from 1697 that located the town of Badalona and the territory around it (a map preserved in the archives of Versailles), has now discovered a geometric plan of the town of Badalona, ​​which must be dated in 1839 and which is the first graphic representation on a scale known of a part of the town of Badalona.

This jewel, about which Jordi Ballesteros himself plans to publish an article in the next issue of the magazine Carrer dels Arbres, is preserved in the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, in Madrid.

The town plan includes, in volume, the streets and houses built, the route of the streams of Canyet and Sant Jeroni, the area of Maignon urbanization (where construction was just beginning) and the main buildings : the church, the town hall, the squares. You can also see the sand dunes.

We will have to wait a while to know all the details. For now we enjoy the view of the fist town plan of Badalona.


Geometric plan of the town of Badalona. Author: Juan Soler y Cortina. 1839. Núm. A-1800 inventories. Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Madrid

New exhibition of photographs in the Museum

From Tuesday 16th June you can see the exhibition Badalona unknown on the ground floor of the Museum.

The exhibition includes a set of photographs taken between the last quarter of the 19th century and the last quarter of the 20th: one hundred years of intense changes for Badalona, a town that, during this period, will be transformed into a city and wil grow uninterruptly.

This change is very well evidenced by the images in the exhibition, where we can see how the city is taking the place of the fields and urban life is displacing rural habits.

Admission to the exhibition is free and it can be visited from Tuesday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm, and on weekends from 10 am to 2 pm.

Limited capacity for safety reasons.



IAD 2020. The Image Archive of the Museum of Badalona, the graphic history of the city

Dolors Nieto, head of the Museum’s Image Archive, discovers this important collection made up of more than a million images that allow us to trace the history of the city and its inhabitants from the 19th century to the actuality, a rich and heterogeneous background, in different supports (paper, slide, plate of glass …), that have specific needs of conservation.


IAD 2020. AHBDN, more than 40 years keeping the memory of Badalona

Joan Villarroya, professor of contemporary history at the UB, and Montserrat Carreras, head of the AHBDN -custodied by the Badalona Museum-, explain the evolution of this service created in 1979 by the City Council, and put highlights the growing influence of the Archive as a reference for Badalona history.


IAD 2020. The AHBDN is a reference for the people of Badalona

The historian Francesc Palacio, a member of the AVV in the neighborhood of Can Cabanyes in Badalona, explains the reasons that led the association to donate its documentary collection to the Historical Archive of the City of Badalona -managed by the Museum- and its photographic collection in the Museum’s Image Archive.


On a day like today …

Today, 1922 years ago, a pact was made official between Quintus Licinius Silvanus Granianus and the citizens of Baetulo (Badalona), an agreement that was included in one of the most unique pieces of all that make up the permanent exhibition of our Museum, the tabula hospitalis.

Do you know this piece?

By virtue of the patronage pact contained in the tabula, we know that Quintus Licinius, a very influential and powerful figure established in the city, undertook to defend Baetulo‘s interests in front of the emperor in exchange for the support and loyalty of its inhabitants.

The document, inscribed in bronze in 98 AD, was discovered by Joaquim Font i Cussó in 1934 in an excavation in the current Plaça de l’Assemblea de Catalunya, where today is the museum and the  visitable space of the Jardí de Quint Licini.



Corpus Christi Day

Corpus Christi, a holiday of the Catholic Church dedicated to the Eucharist, is celebrated this year on Thursday, June 11th. Of medieval origin, it was instituted by Pope Urban IV in 1262, through the bull Transiturus de hoc mundo. The feast was decreed for the Thursday after the octave of Pentecost and was first celebrated on June 5th, 1249. In the 21st century, six hundred years later, it is still a religious, social, cultural, and festive event of great significance within the Catholic world.

Many elements that are part of the parades of the major festivals – “enramades”, the bestiary and other traditional and pagan entertainments – were originated in the Corpus Christi processions, in which the popular classes introduced elements to the religious festival.

For some years now, the celebration of Corpus Christi has regained momentum and is once again present in popular festivities. In 1997, the Socarrel group began making carpets with dyed sawdust, first in Carrer de Dalt and, very soon, in other streets in Dalt de la Vila, and also incorporated an event that had never been done in Badalona: “l’ou com balla”, in the fountain of the courtyard of the rectory of Santa Maria.

This year, like so many other festivities, it will have to be celebrated in a different way. From the Museum, we invite you to do so with photographs.

View gallery

La diada de Corpus

Museum’s alphabet soups

Although the game we have been proposing to you during this confinement, “Did you know that …?” is over, we still offer you a lifelong entertainment: the alphabet soup. An entertaining way to rediscover interesting aspects of the city’s history and heritage.

Here you can download all the alphabet soups we have been proposing to you with their answers.



Today is the last Friday of June. And with the month we finish another of the entertainments that we have been proposing you, periodically, along the confinement: the alphabet soup?

Today we invite you to recover the names of 10 MAYORS OF BADALONA of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Are you able to find them?

Download alphabet soup:

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#QuizMuseubdn #Divendressopa #TornemalsMuseus #vinealMuseu #MuseuBdnonline


Good Friday! You allready know that today, and throughout the weekend, we are celebrating the European Archeology Days, so we want to dedicate our alphabet soup of today to this science.

Could you find TEN CONCEPTS linked to an archaeological excavation in this soup? ?

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#QuizMuseubdn #Divendressopa #TornemalsMuseus #vinealMuseu # JEA2020 #MuseuBdnonline


Good morning! We want to dedicate our Friday soup to a very glamorous profession, that of actress and actor.

You know that our city has an impressive roster of professionals dedicated to acting, both in the world of cinema and theater, but in this festival of convoluted letters we have only been able to hide 10 SURNAMES OF ACTRESSES AND ACTORS from Badalona, a small sample of the importance that this art has had – and has – in our city.

Are you able to find them?

Download word search:

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Have a great weekend!




We all know the important role our city played during industrialization. In the district of Badalona there were a large number of industries, of many different kinds.

Would you be able to find the names of 12 of these factories in this alphabet soup?

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We suggest that you test your knowledge of one of the most important industries in Badalona at the beginning of the 20th century: that of liqueurs and aniseed.

Would you be able to find in this mess 10 BRANDS OF ANISE made in Badalona?

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You already know that BACCHUS is the god of wine, theater and fertility, a deity closely related to the Roman city of Baetulo (now Badalona) which, in addition to having a theater, had the main source of wealth in the cultivation of the vineyard and the production and marketing of wine.

Today we propose you to rediscover Bacchus by locating in this mess of letters the NAMES OF 10 CHARACTERS that are related to life and Bacchic myths. Do you dare?


Today we suggest you find the names of 10 movie theaters of Badalona in our alphabet soup.





Can you locate 10 names of missing Badalona farmhouses?

Download alphabet soup

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Can you find the 10 spaces of a Roman house in this alphabet soup?


Can you find the names of the Roman gods hidden in these crossword puzzles?

Download crossword puzzle

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Find 10 names of the streets of Badalona that appear in these photographs from the Image Archive of the Museum of Badalona.


Find the SURNAME of the TEN CHARACTERS that appear in these caricatures made by the Badalona cartoonist Jaume Passarell (1889-1975).


In the middle of this mess of letters are hidden 10 names of historic shops in Badalona, can you find them?

Collection of the Museum: commemorative medal

Medal created especially to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the inauguration of the Museum. Two editions were made, one in silver and the other in copper tones.

The image of the Venus of Badalona is centered in relief on the obverse. On either side of this figure, on the left, the dates 1966-1976 and, on the right, the coat of arms of Badalona. The title of the medal X Aniversario Museo Municipal, at the top and, at the bottom, Badalona.

It is interesting to note that, at that time, Venus, the protagonist of the medal, was not in the Museum of Badalona, ​​but in what is now the Museum of Archeology of Catalonia, and would not return to Badalona until 1980. All and so it played an important role in the Museum, as a copy of it was exhibited.

On the reverse of the medal, also in relief, is the building of the Museum of Badalona and below, the logo of the Museum: a dolphin crossed by a trident.

The name of the author, Vallmitjana, is engraved on the edge. Vallmitjana was a goldsmith’s workshop located in Carrer d’Astúries, in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, ​​opened by Frederic Vallmitjana, father of the well-known playwright and also goldsmith Juli Vallmitjana Colomines (1873-1937), which was in operation until in 2015.

This medal was donated to the Museum by the Utset Boixaderas family, as it was kept by Maurici Utset, who had been a councilor in the City Council.

For further information click here