Archaeological excavations on the side of the C-31 in the Archeology Tribune

On Wednesday, July 8th, at 6 pm,  the lecture “Intervention on the side of the C-31 in Badalona. New evidence of the extension of the northern boundary of the city of Baetulo will be broadcast live on the Patrimonigencat YouTube channel. This lecture will put an end to this year’s series of lectures by the Archeology Tribune organized by the Archeology and Paleontology Service.

The conference will be given by Iñaki Moreno, an archaeologist from the company ATICS and will be moderated by Clara Forn, an archaeologist at the Museum.

The session will be broadcast live and throughout the speech you will be able to leave your questions and contributions in the comments of the video, which the speakers will answer and discuss at the end of the talk.


Archaeological intervention in Temple’s street

At the end of May, an archaeological intervention was initiated motivated by a building permit on a site on Temple’s street, in the Dalt de la Vila neighborhood. As it is a site located within the protected area as BCIN of the site of the Roman City of Baetulo, an archeological survey is being carried out to detect the presence of remains from the Roman era, under the supervision of the Museum.

Despite the initial state of the excavation, which will last a few more weeks, it has been possible to document the presence of various structures from the 18th-19th centuries, including the remains of a building that was possibly part of the stables or spaces of storage of the Torre Vella , and two hydraulic structures. One is a water mine, which will be preserved in situ, and which was amortized at the end of the 19th century, when the Temple’s street was developed. It is a channel made with stone walls joined with mortar and a brick vault with a raised channel.

Among the landfill that has been mined so far, a singular piece from the late Middle Ages was recovered. It is a fragment of a decorative element that probably comes from the church of Santa Maria or the Torre Vella. In the piece you can see a male figure with a scroll of parchment in her hands, made in high relief on stoneware.


Interior of the water mine. Photo: J. Ardiaca
Exterior view of the water mine. Photo: J. Ardiaca
Medieval piece recovered during the excavations on Temple’s Street. Photo: Museu de Badalona


Francesc d’Assís Guixeras and the inauguration of the City Council Plenary Hall

Francesc d’Assís Guixeras i Viñas (Badalona 1841-1888) was a politician and textile industrialist, first deputy mayor at the beginning of the Restoration (1875) and kept the town pacified during the third Carlist War (1872-1876 ). He was also mayor in 1881-1884 and 1886-1887 and during his tenure several improvements were made, such as the extension of Plaça de la Vila, the extension of Carrer d’en Prim or the Eixample of the old cemetery.  His death, which occurred when he was still young, was deeply felt. He was buried with the honors of a mayor in a crowded ceremony, and shortly afterwards the City Council agreed to pay tribute to him and give his name to a street in the city.

The portrait of Mayor Guixeras was placed in the Plenary Hall on January 23rd, 1889, in an act in which Joan Bta. Soler read a gloss in his honor. The event also served to inaugurate the session hall, a newly created space built thirty-one years after the town hall building was erected.



Portrait of Francesc d’Assís Guixeras. Inv. 2378

Enjoy the European Archeology Days with us

This year we want to live more intensely than ever – despite the obvious limitations imposed by the situation – the three days of the European Archeology Days (June 19th, 20th and 21st). We will do this with different proposals that we hope will be of interest to you.

On one hand, during the three days, the Museum can be visited free of charge during its usual opening hours: Friday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm.

On the other hand, we will share with you different online content that will allow you to enjoy archeology from any computer or mobile device. We hope and wish that next year the situation has improved completely and we can complete our offer with face-to-face activities.

But as long as that doesn’t happen, archeology is alive and well!


Virtual tour to the water conduit of Baetulo

The archaeologists of the Badalona Museum Esther Gurri and Clara Forn introduce us to one of the most unique spaces of all those preserved in the Roman Badalona: the water conduit of the s. I AD. We will walk with them through this magnificent underground construction while they explain us its use, how it was built and how it was discovered.

Enjoy the privilege of seeing a space that the Romans of Baetulo never could see!


Virtual workshop. Let’s make a three in a row

One of the games most enjoyed by young and old in Roman times was the three in a row. This popular game that we all have at home was the typical pastime with which they entertained and had a good time. Esther Espejo, a technician from the Museum of Badalona, teaches us how to make this board game in the style of the Romans.

A project of experimental archeology.The consumption of meat in Roman times

In 2017, an experimental archeology project was started by Albert Massat, a doctoral student at the UAB, and Clara Forn, from the Museum of Badalona, with the collaboration of the Historical Reconstruction group of Badalona. We explain you what it consisted of and the conclusions we drew about the processing and consumption of meat in Roman times, through experimentation.



In occasion of the celebration of the European Archeology Days, we want to offer you a little entertainment of a lifetime: an alphabet soup.

Are you able to locate 10 CONCEPTS RELATED TO ARCHAEOLOGY in this mess of letters?

Download the soup:

Download response:

May the earth be light to you

On Tuesday, June 17th, in the morning, our friend and colleague Joan Cueto, a member of the Group of Historical Reconstruction and a collaborator of the Museum, left us. These months death has hit us very closely and they have been very difficult.

Joan was a good man, kind, generous and mischievous. We will miss his proclamations, his good omens and his tenderness. Always willing to participate, make us laugh and have a good time. May the earth be light to you, friend.


 Joan during the Magna Celebratio of 2017. Photo: Martín Gallego.

The book Badalona desconeguda for sale at the Museum

The publishing house Efadós has recently published the book Badalona desconeguda, by Margarida Abras and M. Dolors Nieto, which you can now purchase in the Museum store.

The book, which has inspired the exhibition of the same name that can be seen on the Museum until September 6th, offers a photographic tour of some areas of Badalona little known or, directly, that no longer exist, with the aim to better understand the evolution of our city and its current reality. Next to the images you will find historical sketches that will allow you to travel from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era.



Title: Badalona desconeguda

Authors: M. Abras i M.D. Nieto

Collection: Catalunya Desapareguda

184 pages.

Price : 22.00 €

Live the European Archeology Days with us!

From the Museum of Badalona we join the celebration of the European Archeology Days, which will take place on 19th, 20th and 21st June. This initiative, in which many Catalan museums and sites will take part, has been successfully held in France for ten years, under the auspices of the INRAP (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research).

During these days we will share with you different content online about archeology in our city that we will be disseminating through our website and social networks. You will be able to discover the water conduit of Baetulo in a brief virtual visit – hoping that normalcy will return soon and we can walk live through this incredible millennial conduit – we will propose a workshop for the little ones to play a Roman game and we will tell you about an interesting experimental archeology project that recreates how meat was processed and how it was consumed in Roman times.

In addition, admission to the Badalona Museum will be free during the three days of the European Archeology Days.

Don’t miss it!



Found a geometric map of Badalona, from the 19th century

The digitization of the documentary holdings of the archives allows curious people to find jewels like the one we present to you.

The lawyer Jordi Ballesteros, who a few years ago found and published a French map from 1697 that located the town of Badalona and the territory around it (a map preserved in the archives of Versailles), has now discovered a geometric plan of the town of Badalona, ​​which must be dated in 1839 and which is the first graphic representation on a scale known of a part of the town of Badalona.

This jewel, about which Jordi Ballesteros himself plans to publish an article in the next issue of the magazine Carrer dels Arbres, is preserved in the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, in Madrid.

The town plan includes, in volume, the streets and houses built, the route of the streams of Canyet and Sant Jeroni, the area of Maignon urbanization (where construction was just beginning) and the main buildings : the church, the town hall, the squares. You can also see the sand dunes.

We will have to wait a while to know all the details. For now we enjoy the view of the fist town plan of Badalona.


Geometric plan of the town of Badalona. Author: Juan Soler y Cortina. 1839. Núm. A-1800 inventories. Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Madrid

New exhibition of photographs in the Museum

From Tuesday 16th June you can see the exhibition Badalona unknown on the ground floor of the Museum.

The exhibition includes a set of photographs taken between the last quarter of the 19th century and the last quarter of the 20th: one hundred years of intense changes for Badalona, a town that, during this period, will be transformed into a city and wil grow uninterruptly.

This change is very well evidenced by the images in the exhibition, where we can see how the city is taking the place of the fields and urban life is displacing rural habits.

Admission to the exhibition is free and it can be visited from Tuesday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm, and on weekends from 10 am to 2 pm.

Limited capacity for safety reasons.



IAD 2020. The Image Archive of the Museum of Badalona, the graphic history of the city

Dolors Nieto, head of the Museum’s Image Archive, discovers this important collection made up of more than a million images that allow us to trace the history of the city and its inhabitants from the 19th century to the actuality, a rich and heterogeneous background, in different supports (paper, slide, plate of glass …), that have specific needs of conservation.