A new school year full of school proposals is here

A new school year begins and the Museum of Badalona begins its virtual classroom, a new educational project with which it wants to continue being an essential resource to study the heritage of our city and to know its Roman legacy.

We are aware that the health alert situation that we are living in can end up limiting classroom outings and can even lead to the interruption of face-to-face training and the need to work online from home. Faced with this situation, the Museum’s educational service has developed a program of activities that will allow us to keep in touch with teachers and students and continue to explain the story of our ancestors.

The Museum’s contribution to non-contact teaching goes through an exciting offer of online resources, which we present with the following titles:

  1. Two asses? This is a ruin !! The Roman currency
  2. What is written on it? Latin epigraphy
  3. Are we free? Philosophical debate
  4. When we were rich. The wine economy of Baetulo
  5. What a traffic jam in the decumanus! Communications when all roads led to Rome
  6. To lick your fingers. How a village was fed
  7. Do you know what they say in the forum? Fake news in the Roman style
  8. With a woman’s voice. The role of women in Roman society
  9. Let the earth be light to you. The farewell ritual

The webinar format of these proposals will help us to make the session an excuse to learn, interact and arouse interest in everyday life in Roman times, inviting us to develop and test the critical sense of the students. The proposals have been designed according to the curriculum of Social Sciences and respond to the needs of basic skills, from middle school to high school.

On a day like today, Llorenç Brunet was born

On September 14th, 1873, exactly 147 years ago today, the illustrator and watercolourist Llorenç Brunet i Forroll was born in Badalona. Despite his unquestionable talent and the popularity of his work during the first decades of the twentieth century, this artist from Badalona is still little known for the audience.

A prolific illustrator, trained at the Llotja, a disciple of Eusebi Planas and the lithographer Mercier of Paris, he achieved great recognition thanks to the cartoons published in the satirical magazines of the time, and thanks also to his collection of exlibris of characters politicians, to the large number of illustrated books in which he participated and also to his watercolors.  His drawings and reports of the different political and war conflicts that ravaged Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as the Spanish Civil War, are also very remarkable.

In 2018 the Museum produced an exhibition dedicated to this artist, which brought together forty-seven original drawings of which Brunet dedicated to the political conflicts of the early twentieth century and World War I, and acquired them to incorporate them into the Museum Art Collection.



7 years since the death of Josep Uclés

7 years ago died the artist Josep Cifuentes Uclés (Badalona 1952-La Roca del Vallès 2013), known as Uclés. A painter, illustrator and sculptor trained at the School of Applied Arts and Artistic Trades of Badalona and at the University of Barcelona, ​​he developed a brilliant international career, exhibiting in Paris, Milan, Brussels, Amsterdam and Los Angeles.

His work has been the subject of several books and catalogs. Among the critics and writers who have spoken about it are Glòria Bosch, M. Mercè Marçal, Julià de Jòdar, Vicenç Altaió, Sam Abrams and Matthew Tree.

He always had a strong relationship with the Museu de Badalona (where he had had his first exhibition), where in 1987 he presented the traveling exhibition Històries d’olors, with 19 works on paper inspired by different moments in the city’s history that were acquired by the Museum.

Later, in 2006, he had another exhibition with a catalog, entitled Manual de supervivència en una gran ciutat.. Shortly afterwards, the City Council acquired the work Ajuda’m, which can now be seen in the Viver’s lobby, and which shows us the dreamlike and surreal world so characteristic of this artist.

In 2014, after the death of Uclés, the Badalona City Council and the Museum of Badalona, in collaboration with the Museum of Granollers, dedicated a retrospective exhibition to him, which was curated by art critic and poet Vicenç Altaió and that included also the publication of a book. The exhibition took place in the exhibition hall of the El Carme Cultural Center, which was then renamed Sala Josep Uclés.



On September 11th the Museum is closed

We remind you that on Friday, September 11th, on the occasion of the celebration of the National Day of Catalonia, the Museum will be closed.

On Saturday and Sunday, September 12th and 13th, the opening hours will be the usual: from 10 am to 2 pm.

Happy Diada to everyone!


First celebration of the Diada of the Transition in Badalona, in 1977. Enric Giralt/Museu de Badalona. AI

The exhibition Badalona unknown extended

The Badalona unknown exhibition, which can be viewed for free on the ground floor of the Museum, is extended until Sunday September 27th.

The exhibition brings together a set of photographs taken between the last quarter of the 19th century and the last quarter of the 20th and allows us to explore the transformations and changes that our city has undergone in the last hundred years of its history.

Almost all the photographs in the exhibition are collected in the publication La Badalona desconeguda, edited by Efadós with the collaboration of the Museum, which can also be purchased in our store.




New offer of educational workshops

From the Museum of Badalona we are preparing new educational content that will expand the school offer for the next academic year 2020-21. We are working to bring the daily life of our Roman ancestors closer to the school public with educational innovations that will complete the guided tour to the archaeological sites of the Roman Baetulo.

With this in mind, we are preparing a wide range of new interactive workshops and proposals in different formats that will help us learn about such interesting aspects as the role of women in the family economy, the devaluation of the currency, how fashion came to all corners of the Empire, the life expectancy of children or the fake news of antiquity that have come to us from the hand of Hollywood. We are fully aware of the new normality that we have to live so we are designing all these proposals so that they can be made through the new communication platforms (zoom, Google Meet, Team …).

We will keep you informed!


Have a great Festa Major!

The Josep M. Cuyàs i Tolosa Archive of the Badalona Museum holds countless jewels of great historical and documentary value. Today, August 15th, in occasion of the Festa Major of Badalona, we want to share a very special one. It is a nitrate film, recorded in 35 mm, which shows different acts of the city’s Festa Major in 1926. The film was recovered by the tireless Josep M. Cuyàs, and joined the Museum’s collection, along with the rest of his archive, in 1992 after the death of this Badalonian scholar.

This film is one of the first knowed films of our city. With the aim of making it known, the Museum published it in DVD format together with another 1928 recording made by Carles Nyssen on emblematic buildings in the city. Copies are available in the Museum shop.

Today we invite you to enjoy some fragments of that Festa Major of 1926. Images full of nostalgia that allow us to relive the emotion and joy of our fellow citizens, ready to experience intensely the most important celebration of the festive calendar.

Happy Festa Major to everyone!



The exhibition PORTRAITS online

With the desire to bring our users closer to the different activities and proposals that we organize from the Museum, we have begun to work on the option of seeing online the exhibitions that we are producing.

The first of these exhibits, which you can find at the following link, is PORTRAITS, that could be seen at the Museum until July 5th, and which brought together a set of portraits in painting or drawing belonging to the Art’s collection of the Museum, as well as other outstanding works that were lent for the occasion.




Summer schedule of the Museum of Badalona

During the month of August the Museum of Badalona will be open from Tuesday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm, and on weekends from 10 am to 2 pm. This will also be the opening hours of the temporary exhibition Badalona unknown which can be seen for free on the ground floor of the building.

On Saturday 15th August, on the occasion of the Festa Major de Badalona, it will be closed.

The House of the Dolphins, the Garden of Quintus Licini and the historical archive will be closed during the month of August.



The Museum will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Evarist Arnús

On the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of the financier Evarist Arnús Ferrer (Barcelona 1820-1890), closely linked to our city, the Museum is preparing an exhibition and a serie of lectures for the autumn.

His relationship with Badalona dates back to 1859, when he began to make real estate investments with the purchase, at auction, of part of the Can Solei estate, which he converted into a summer residence (the current Ca l’Arnús ). In 1888, Queen Maria Cristina and the President of the Council of Ministers, Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, were received on this estate, and as a result of this visit, Badalona City Council was granted the treatment of Excelence.

A much-loved figure in the town, in 1884 Arnús was named the adopted son of Badalona for the philanthropic works he had carried out there, and in 1887, on the occasion of his onomastics and as a token of gratitude, the town hall agreed to give its name to Carrer del Pilar where, with its sponsorship, the Sant Andreu asylum (currently a school) had been built. The old Carrer del Pilar is, therefore, the current Carrer d’Arnús.