The roman culture workshops for adults arrive at the Museum

In 2021, a new weekend proposal for our visitors arrives at the Museum. We have started a program of workshops for adults that will allow you to delve into different aspects of daily life in Roman times, and you will discover some curiosities and secrets that have lasted over the centuries and have all ended up being incorporated into the reality of the 21st century.

The workshops, which we will dedicate to aspects as diverse as the calendar, hygiene or magic and superstition, will take place on the last Sunday of the month, with the aim of becoming an essential appointment for all those interested in roman culture. To take part, tickets must be purchased in advance at the Museum reception.

The first workshop to be held on Sunday February 28th will be dedicated to Roman influence on our calendar and the one that will be held of March, which is also scheduled for the 28th, will focus on beauty, hygiene and health in Roman times.

This activity may change because of the arising from the health alert of COVID-19.



A piece of the Museum for the exhibition Udjat . The exoticism of ancient Egypt in Barcelona

The Museum of Badalona participates in the exhibition Udjat. The Exoticism of Ancient Egypt in Barcelona, which opens today at the Museum of Ethnology and World Cultures, with the loan of an ex libris by Vicens (sic) Bosch and Costa, son of Vicenç Bosch Grau -founder of the well-known factory of Anís del Mono – and Llúcia Costa Clapés.

The exhibition, which runs until June 15th, is an invitation to reflect on the survival and constant reinterpretation of one of the civilizations that has had the most powerful and lasting influence on Western culture: ancient Egypt. This seduction is explained by the vestiges that the passion for the land of the pharaohs has left in the artistic and architectural scene of Barcelona.

Ex libris de Vicens Bosch. MB. 11960. 20,5 x 13,4 cm

Donation of an advertising poster by the company Coma-Cros to the Museum

In January of last year, the Museum of Badalona received a large-format lithographic poster (210 x 78 cm) from the Coma-Cros Raventós family. It was an advertising the chemical factory and for the Amadeo Cros season ticket. .

The poster, signed by Antoni Utrillo and Agapit Vallmitjana and printed by the lithography workshop of Antoni Utrillo himself, seems to have been made around 1900 since the same drawing is used in a publication / newsletter of the company on whose first issue is from 1900.

Due to the characteristics of the paper, its state of preservation was not good and, so during the year 2020, it has been possible to proceed with the restoration and consolidation of this magnificent and unknown poster.

A piece already incorporated in the Museum’s inventories, where it is kept with the other large-format poster that is preserved, that of Ramon Casas advertising Anís del Mono.



One hundred years since the death of Joaquim Casas Costa

On a day like today, a hundred years ago, died Joaquim Casas Costa. Born in 1882, he was a printer by trade and shared with his brother Josep -mayor of Badalona several times- the management of the printing press they had in the current Carrer de Francesc Layret. An enthusiast of theater, he began acting in the La Bienhechora cooperative and in the Josep Mata society, and became a highly regarded actor with his own personality.

In 1908 he founded with Josep Terradas, the company Terradas-Casas, which he also directed, and which reached great popularity to the point of surviving the two actors. His performances could be seen in various entertainments venues in Badalona -especially in the Zorrilla theater-, and he also toured towns in Catalonia. When Enric Borràs and Margarida Xirgu came to the city to perform charitable functions, they acted with this company that for many years provided amusement to many Badalona residents.


Theater play of the Terradas-Casas company on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation. Francesc Domingo-MB-Arxiu Cuyas-1958

New Minute books of the plenary sessions of the City Council available online

For a few days now, the books of the Badalona City Council, from 1835 to 1931, have been available online on the Museum’s website.

This resource, which began offering six months ago through the AHBDN making the first preserved volumes available, – on occasion of the celebration of International Archives Day -,  has now been expanded to about fifty volumes. This important digitization project will allow to know the day-to-day running of the town hall to be traced uninterruptedly for almost a hundred years, without the need to move to the archive.

View Minute books of the plenary session


The presentation of the book on Mauthausen is postponed

The translation and adaptation of the book Histoire de Mauthausen. Les cinq années de déportation des républicains espagnols written by Josep Borràs from Badalona, which we publish from the Museum and which collects the experiences of Borràs in this infamous concentration camp will finally be presented on Thursday, February 4th.

The event will be lead by Rosa Toran, a historian linked to the Amical of Mauthausen, and Joan Villarroya i Font, professor of contemporary history at the University of Barcelona.

Admission is free and capacity is limited.

The event will be broadcast live on the Museum’s Youtube channel.



Memories of the snowstorm of Christmas 1962

Despite the cold of the last few days and the abundant presence of snow in much of the territory, in Badalona has not snowed (at least by now!). Our situation close to the sea means that it rarely snows here and, even less, that the snow stays on the streets.

However, at Christmas 1962 it did snow, and that snowfall has been etched in the retinas of all the people who lived through it.

For this gallery, we have once again looked in the photographic collections of the Museum’s Image Archive and we present a selection of photographs that retain the image and memory of that exceptional event. If the photos of that snowfall are weird and curious, so is have the chance to walk through the spaces of the city from fifty years ago!

View gallery


Records d’una nevada, la de Nadal de l’any 1962

These are the winners of the Christmas challenge!

After the raffle carried out, live, through our YouTube channel, we already have the names of the three winners of our Christmas challenge.



Thank you very much to all of you for playing with us!

Here you can recover the raffle:

Live raffle for the Christmas challenge

Tomorrow Tuesday, January 12th, from 2 noon, there will be a raffle for three lots of educational games among all participants who have played the Christmas challenge that this year we’ve proposed from the Museum.

The success of the call has justified the expansion of the number of prizes in order to increase the chances of our young researchers in the draw!

You can follow the raffle live on our Youtube channel:

The exhibition Ramon Casas visits Badalona extended

The exhibition Ramon Casas visits Badalona, which can be seen on the ground floor of the Museum from Thursday 10th December, will be extended until Sunday 31st January.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you have a few more days to discover the talent of this genius of modernism and his relationship with our city through twenty works -some unpublished- that have been donated by different museums and private collectors.