The Museum of Badalona will incorporate two new archaeological sites into the Roman Baetulo

These two spaces, located on Pujol Street, will allow to discover how the water supply worked in the Roman and modern city, and get to know the oldest pottery of Baetulo (1st century BC), the only one located inside the city.

With this intervention, the visit to the Roman water conduit, which until now was limited by architectural barriers, can be done accordint to all the accessibility criteria

The Museum of Badalona, the City Council and the Archeology Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya are monitoring the excavation and construction of a new building run by the company Esepe & Co at number 20 on Pujol street, on the site traditionally known as l’Hort d’en Fluvià.

Aware of the great archaeological interest of the land and its valuable contribution to the knowledge of the Roman Baetulo, the Museum has been working with the property and the construction company to ensure the heritage elements that are preserved in this space. Thus, it has promoted the signing of an agreement between the City Council and the property, for the session of two spaces located inside the new building. The first space will have a local ground floor of 275 m2 where you can visit the pottery excavated in 2006, the oldest known in Baetulo and the only one located in the urban area of ​​the city. The second space, of 350 m2, will allow, through a single access, the visit to the aqueduct of the 18th century and the water conduit of the 1st century AD. In this way, the city will gain two new archeological spaces that will be open to the public in the future.



Works to open the subway that will allow the visit to the water conduit on Pujol street. Photo: MB


View of the modern aqueduct where five of the arches that make up this section can be seen. Photo: MB
Aerial view of the 2006 excavation showing the street culvert in the center. Photo: F. Antequera. Codex SL


Square-shaped kiln of artisanal pottery discovered in 2006 in the Hort d’en Fluvià. Photo: F. Antequera. Codex SL


Summer schedule. 2021

During the month of August, the Museum of Badalona will be open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm, and on Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm.

The temporary exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978 can be seen, meanwhile, from Tuesday to Saturday from 5pm to 8pm and on Sundays from 10am to 2pm.

The Museum will be closed on Sunday 15th August, on the occasion of the Badalona Major Fest.

The House of the Dolphins, the House of the Ivy and the historical archive will be closed during the month of August.


The exhibition Games and Toys in Antiquity arrives at the Sanctuary of the Miracle

The exhibition Games and toys in Antiquity, conceived by the Museu de Badalona and produced by the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, through the Arqueoxarxa, can be seen in the temporary exhibition hall of the sanctuary of the Miracle, in Riner (Solsonès), from 18th July.

In this way, this traveling exhibition, inaugurated on November 29th, 2015 and which has already been visited by thousands of people throughout Catalonia, will open a new exhibition space that will complement the visit to the sanctuary itself, where there’s one of the most important altarpiece from the baroque period of Catalonia.

The original content of the exhibition, which brings together 130 archaeological pieces from different museums of the Arqueoxarxa, has been completed with a new exhibition produced by the Association of Lacetans Studies and a group of volunteers from the village that extends the original discourse to well into the twentieth century.

The two proposals, therefore, complement each other and show the continuity of many of the ancient games and toys and their evolution, showing that the need to play is intrinsic to the evolution of human beings.

The first exhibition was curated by Esther Gurri, archaeologist and curator of the Museum of Badalona, ​​and Joan Mayné, former director of this museum, while the contemporary exhibition was curated by Màrius Codina, a very close person at the Association of Lacetans Studies and game collector. The toys included in this second exhibition proposal have been donated by the curator himself and by several residents of Solsona and Riner, and in most cases are personal memories of his childhood.

The opening ceremony will take place this Sunday, July 18th, at 11 am and will be attended by Margarida Abras, Director of the Museum of Badalona, ​​and Esther Gurri, co-curator of the first exhibition, who will act as representatives of the Archeoxarxa.


Opening: 18th July, 11 am
Place: Casa Gran del santuari del Miracle (Riner)
Guided tours and further information:
683 659 050 / /


Remembering Rafael Pujals

On July 12th, died Rafael Pujals i Agustí (Badalona 1943-2021), painter, draftsman and prominent watercolourist.

Although professionally he worked as a surveyor – he studied for three years at the School of Architecture of Barcelona -, he had a very active life as an artist: he was a member of the Group of Watercolorists from Catalonia, the Artistic Circle of Sant Lluc, and the Fine Arts Section of the Museum of Badalona. He exhibited in different Catalan towns and won several prizes, especially in quick painting competitions, and also worked as a teacher of drawing and painting.

The Museum of Badalona preserves a series of his works, including a set he made specifically to illustrate the Roman baths and surrounding spaces of the Roman city of Baetulo, which for many years could be seen exposed in the public in these spaces.

Drawing by Rafael Pujals on the cover of the magazine Carrer dels Arbres issue 33, of the first period. 1983

The Summer Nights of the Museum are canceled

We are sorry to inform you that, in view of the data of the epidemiological evolution in our city, the Summer Nights of the 16th and 23rd of July are canceled.

From the Museum we will contact the people who had purchased tickets for this activity to process the relevant return.

Thanks for your understanding.

For more information, you can call 933 841 750.


The digitization of the plans of the archeology collection begins

The plans for the archaeological interventions carried out by the Museum’s archeology department between the 1970s and 2001 have been being scanned at the Museum since last week.

In a second phase, once these documents have been scanned, they will be digitized so that they can be kept in optimal conditions, used in future research or consulted on the web.

Much work remains to be done to digitize the entire archaeological planimetry collection, which consists of more than 1,000 plants and sections, drawn on tracing paper.

Since 2001, all interventions have been documented in digital suport.


A technician of the company Artyplan scanning the street plan of Via Augusta 22, excavation carried out in 1985.


The Museum organizes the III Colloquium on Wine in Antiquity

The relationship between the Roman city of Baetulo and wine is so intense that one cannot be explained without the other. It is for this reason that the Museum of Badalona will organize, in October 2022, with the collaboration of the universities (UAB and UB) and the research centers of classical archeology (ICAC and MAC Empúries), an international congress on the economy, production and trade of wine in the Mediterranean.

It will be the third symposium on wine in antiquity held by the Museum following a tradition that began in 1985, and which reaffirms the Museum as a reference center for research and dissemination of the ancient world.

With the publication of the congress website, we are opening what we hope will be a meeting that will facilitate scientific debate between several research groups in the field of wine in antiquity.

View the web page of the congress


The TRIO VIVO concert at Anís del Mono is canceled

We are sorry to inform you that due to the rise in COVID-19 infections in our city, all activities scheduled for this weekend have been canceled.

For this reason, out of responsibility and in compliance with the measures approved by the City Council of Badalona, we canceled the Summer Night of the Museum at the Anís del Mono that had to take place this Friday, July 9th, and was in charge of TRIO VIVO .

From the Museum we will contact the people who had purchased tickets for this activity to process the relevant return.

Thank you for your understanding.

For further information, call 933 841 750


Presentation of the book Pedro Rovira 1921-1978 at the RACBA

Next Wednesday, July 7th, at 7 pm, the book Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978, edited by the Museum and written by Josep Casamartina i Parassols, will be presented at the Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona.

The monograph, profusely illustrated, has been published on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of this internationally renowned Badalona seamstress and completes the anthological exhibition of the same name, which can be visited at the Museum until 17 October. The publication can be purchased during the event, but also directly at the Badalona Museum or through our website.

The presentation will be given by Rosa M. Martín i Ros, historian of Textiles and Clothing, and the author of the book, Josep Casamartina i Parassols, who is also co-curator of the exhibition together with Ismael Núñez Muñoz. Also taking part will be Rosa Bertran, vice-president of the Badalona Museum, and Margarida Abras, director of this institution.

The event is open to everyone and does not require prior registration.

Edifici Llotja
Passeig d’Isabel II, 1

A new edition of the Summer Nights arrives at the Anís del Mono

This July, the Museum’s Summer Nights return to the Anís del Mono, after last year’s obligatory break. A unique opportunity to enjoy music and heritage!

You can visit different areas of the factory, full of history and with a great heritage value, such as the distillation room or the archive, in modernist style. We will tell you about the advertising poster competition promoted by Vicenç Bosch and you will also discover the secrets that are hidden in the characteristic bottle of Anís del Mono and on its famous label.

After the visit, you can enjoy a unique musical evening in the fresh air of the factory courtyard.

The activity is adapted to the current pandemic situation with the relevant hygiene and safety measures.

These are our proposals for this year edition:


Ticket price: € 15. Limited capacity. Maximum 4 tickets per person

Ticket sales on the museum’s website starting Tuesday, June 22nd, at 10 a.m.

With the sponsorhip of OSBORNE SA.