Cycle of lectures on the altarpiece of Saint Sebastian

On the occasion of the exhibition Altarpiece of San Sebastián, 15th century, which opens at the Museum today, Thursday, January 13th, at 7 pm, we have organized a complete series of lectures aimed at delving into the history of this magnificent gothic piece and also around of the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra and the figure of this saint, advocate against the plague and epidemics in general.

All lectures -that will be broadcast on our youtube channel- will take place in the Museum’s auditorium and are open to the public but require prior registration on this website. Capacity is limited.

As part of these activities we will also have the opportunity to attend an exceptional concert on 15th century music by Schola Antiqua, with Javier Artigas on organ and Juan Carlos Asensio on conducting.


Thursday 13th January, 7 pm. Opening and lecture:

Una obra recuperada: el retaule de Sant Sebastià de Sant Jeroni de la Murtra

By Albert Velasco. Sold out


Thursday 20th January, 7 pm. Lecture:

Sant Sebastià: d’advocat dels empestats a icona del col·lectiu gai

By Joan Rosàs.  Conference registration.


Thursday 27th January, 7 pm. Lecture:

Les pandèmies a la baixa edat mitjana. Conseqüències demogràfiques i socials

A càrrec de Josep Hernando. Conference registration.


Tuesday 8th February, 7 pm. Lecture:

Els enigmes del retaule de Sant Sebastià de la Murtra

By Jaume Aymar. Conference registration.


Thursday 10th February, 7 pm. Lecture:

La importància de la música dels jerònims: el manuscrit de Sant Jeroni de la Murtra

By Juan Carlos Asensio. Conference registration.


Sunday 13th February, 12 noon. Concert organized in collaboration with the Conservatori Professional de Música de Badalona and the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya:

Reconstruint litúrgies a l’entorn d’un retaule. El Cantoral de Sant Jeroni de la Murtra

A càrrec de Schola Antiqua. Javier Artigas, orgue. Juan Carlos Asensio, direcció. Concert registration.


Thursday 17th February, 7 pm. Lecture:

Sant Jeroni a final del segle XV

By Carles Díaz. Conference registration.


Thursday 24th February, 7 pm. Lecture:

Indumentària i teixits al retaule de Sant Sebastià de Sant Jeroni de la Murtra

By Rosa M. Martín i Ros. Conference registration




Presentation of the book “Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978” at the Museo del Traje

Next Saturday, January 15th, at 12 noon, the presentation of the book Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978 will take place at the Museo del Traje in Madrid. The book was designed and published by the Museum of Badalona on the occasion of the exhibition of the same title that could be seen at the Museum from June 4th to December 12th last year.

The event will feature the participation of Margarida Abras, Director of the Museum of Badalona, Josep Casamartina i Parassols, author of the book and director of the Antoni de Montpalau Foundation, by Lorenzo Caprile, creator of one of the most renowned firms in the state , by Juan Gutiérrez, head of the contemporary fashion collection at the Museo del Traje, and José Luis Díez, president of the Asociación de amigos del Museo.

Attendance at the event is free and open until capacity is reached.

The Roman Baths-Decumanus space closes on the afternoon of December 22nd

This December 22, in the afternoon, it will not be possible to access the Roman Baths-Decumanus space, due to the assembly of the Christmas Concert.

Thanks for your understanding.

Christmas festivities schedule 2021-2022

During the Christmas festivities, the Museum will be closed on Friday 24th December in the afternoon, on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th and on Friday 31st December in the afternoon. For the new year, the Museum will be closed on Saturday 1st January, Wednesday 5th January in the afternoon and Thursday 6th January.

The Christmas festivities will also affect the opening hours of the City’s Historical Archive, which will be closed on Tuesday, December 28th, Wednesday, December 29th, all day, and Wednesday, January 5th, in the afternoon.


Last days to visit the exhibition PEDRO ROVIRA, 1921-1978

The exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978 that the Museum dedicates to the figure and work of the late seamstress from Badalona, Pere Rovira, comes to an end this Sunday, 12th December.

There are still a few days to enjoy Rovira’s talent while discovering this exhibition that thousands of people have already visited. A unique opportunity to see together about a hundred of their haute couture and ready-to-wear designs.

The exhibition can be visited every afternoon from 5pm to 8pm and on Sundays from 10am to 2pm and admission is free.


The exhibition “Que sonin les campanes!” can now be visited

You can already visit, on the ground floor of the Badalona City Council building, in Plaça de la Vila, the exhibition Que sonin les campanes!, organized by the Campaners de Badalona with the collaboration of our Museum and Pompas Fúnebres Badalona.

As part of this exhibition, which can be seen until November 30th, a series of activities have been scheduled such as talks, guided tours and presentations that will take place in both the Museum and the Church of Santa Maria.

Calendar of activities

If you want to join any of the activities, you have to email to

EXHIBITION SCHEDULE: from 11 am to 8 pm (except Thursday from 5 pm to 8 pm).



The Museum collaborates in the exhibition “Que sonin les campanes!”

The Museum of Badalona collaborates with the group Campaners de Badalona, founded 4 years ago, with the production and design of the exhibition Que sonin les campanes !, which can be seen on the ground floor of the Badalona City Council, in Plaça de la Vila from 9th to 30th of November.

As part of this exhibition, which has also been sponsored by Pompas Funebres Badalona, a series of activities have been scheduled such as lectures, guided tours and presentations that will take place at both the Museum and the church of Santa Maria.

Click to see the program of activities

If you are interested in signing up for any of these proposals, please send an email to



The Museum acquires the central panel of the Gothic altarpiece of the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra

The piece, of an exceptional nature, will be presented next Tuesday, November 2nd, at 7 pm, in the Museum’s auditorium.

This Gothic panel was part of the altarpiece that decorated the chapel that the monks of La Murtra erected, in the late 15th century, in honor of Saint Sebastian as a result of a plague epidemic. It is very curious that this piece arrives in our city when we are still suffering from the Covid pandemic19.

Two parts of the original altarpiece are currently known: the predella, which belongs to the Museum’s collections, and the central table that has just been acquired. The side panels are lost and we do not know what they looked like, as those that can be seen in the photographs that have survived to the present day are, by the way, clearly later than the Gothic period.

The Museum of Badalona will open an exhibition at the beginning of next year, in which the two original pieces will be able to be seen – central table and predella -, as well as the reproduction of other representations of Saint Sebastian of the same time, such as the altarpiece of Sant Sebastià i Santa Tecla in the cathedral of Barcelona or the altarpiece of the Constable in the chapel of Santa Àgata, also in Barcelona. The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of lectures on various aspects related to the gothic panel and the monastery of Sant Jeroni: the possible author of the altarpiece, the monastery at the end of the 15th century, the music of the Jeromes, the epidemics in the medieval times and the devotion to Saint Sebastian.




New schedule of guided tours to heritage spaces

You can already find on this website the new proposals for guided tours that we have planned for the first four months of 2022.

You will find a wide range of itineraries to a different heritage areas of our city, such as the Roman houses of the Ivy and the Dolphins, which will discover you how the privileged classes lived in the ancient city of Baetulo, the emblematic factory of Anís del Mono, with more than 150 years of history, and the monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra, a jewel of the Badalonian Gothic.

Of particular note are the scheduled visits to the Iberian village of Turó d’en Boscà, from where we can also observe how the landscape and our environment have evolved, and to the historic park of Ca l’Arnús, one of the green lungs of the center of Badalona, where we can enjoy the outbreak of spring.

The ticket price is € 5.93 per person and will go on sale from Tuesday 2 November on our website.

In this link you can consult the whole offer of visits:


House of the Dolphins. Photo: Antonio Guillén. Museu de Badalona.

Iberic settlement of Turó d’en Boscà. Photo: A. Guillén. Museu de Badalona.

A hat by Vicenç Bosch loaned to the Museum

The Museum of Badalona has signed a loan agreement with José Carlos García Sarduy for the transfer, for a period of four years, of a hat from the end of the 19th century, which had been owned by Vicenç Bosch Grau (1845-1907) .

This agreement is of great interest to our institution, given the relevance of the owner. Vicenç Bosch was a much-loved person in the city, co-founder with his brother Josep, of the factory of the Anís del Mono, and also served as municipal councilor for Badalona City Council.