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The Municipal Register of Inhabitants, drawn up by the City Council, is theregister of people living in the municipality.

The data collected in the first registers that we keep from the 18th and 19th centuries are different for each register. The one from 1717, with which we startthe series in Badalona, is one of the oldest preserved in Catalonia, and includesall the members of each family, with an indication of kinship, age andprofession. As for the neighbours register of 1771, on the other hand, it onlyincludes men and widowed heads of families and the profession they develop is recorded.

The information collected from the 1900 census is virtually the same: address, name of the person, relationship to head of household, date of birth, marital status, occupation, level of education, place of origin and time of residence.

Since the Municipal Law of 1870, the register was drawn up every five yearsand changes (admissions, terminations and changes of address) were recordedannually through register sheets.

The municipal registers of inhabitants that are preserved in the HistoricalArchive of the City of Badalona cover the period from 1717 to 1945. Those thatcan be consulted online range from 1717 to 1921 -in addition to the 1924 index. The rest of the registers, atthe moment, cannot be found available on the web.