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Turó d’en Boscà

Turó d’en Boscà

The territory of Badalona was populated by the Iberians long before the arrival of the Romans.

The privileged space where this village of the 4th century BC is located, will allow us, in addition to enjoying fantastic panoramic views, to introduce us to several aspects of the Iberian culture: defensive needs, the construction system, the economy, customs, rituals, etc.

In the tour you can see the wall and the defense tower, the stepped streets, to save the unevenness of the land, and some houses, among which stands out a house carved out of the rock.


Childish and primary Education, secondary obligatory and general public.

Visites guiades en grup

Obligatory. Previous reservation.


1 hour 30 minutes.


Closed access. Accessible only with guided tours.

Periodically the Museum programs visits for the individual public at this room. You consult the web and the diary of activities.

Meeting place

If you want to get more information on this visit guided, and for example next dates and prices, contacts with us and will inform you.