Exhibition title: SUMMERS IN BADALONA
Exhibition time: from July 14th to January 29th 2023
Place: Museu de Badalona

Schedule: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm

Sunday and major fests: from 10 am to 2 pm.

AUGUST: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm.

Summer is the time of heat and good weather, of long days, of days of long staying on the street, of holidays for young and old, of verbenas, of major festivals, of playing or doing sports in the outdoors, hiking … And in a Mediterranean city like Badalona, it is also the best time to enjoy the beach and the sea.

All these aspects, along with some particularly relevant historical facts, are included in the exhibition Summers in Badalona, through a set of photographs that cover the period from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century. They are made by several authors and all are part of the very rich collections of the Museum of Badalona.

The images are presented according to the summer calendar in our lands, which includes the months of June, July, August and September. Within each of these periods, the images are grouped by thematic areas.

Let’s not forget that summer is also a good time to get closer to the Museum, which keeps its doors open to continue sharing the heritage of our past with everyone and, in this case, to show how it has been, over time, life in the city in summer.

Exhibition credits

PRODUCTION: Museu de Badalona i Anís del Mono

DIRECTION: Margarida Abras Pou

COORDINATION: Francesca García Almagro

DOCUMENTATION AND TEXTS: Margarida Abras and M. Dolors Nieto

GRAPHIC DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Francesca García Almagro


ASSEMBLY : Francisco Ruiz

COMUNICATION: Esther Espejo i Núria Sadurní

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Antònia Díaz i Patrícia López

ORIGIN OF THE IMAGES: Arxiu d’Imatges del Museu de Badalona