Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978

Author: Josep Casamartina i Parassols

Museum of Badalona, 2021

Collection Biografies badalonines, number 4

Biography on the internationally renowned Badalona seamstress Pere Rovira i Planas (Badalona 1921-Badalona 1978), written by Josep Casamartina i Parassols, promoter and director of the Antoni de Montpalau Foundation and curator of the exhibition Pedro Rovira, 1921-1978, inaugurated at the Museum of Badalona on June 3rd, 2021.

The book has three main sections: the professional biography of Pere Rovira -illustrated with images from the time-, where he follows his career from an early age until he became a widely recognized seamstress in haute couture and, later, also in prêt-à-porter. The second part is a tour of his creations, profusely illustrated with photographs of his dresses and accessories. Finally, the third section presents a set of texts signed by people who knew the seamstress or who have been related to him in some way.