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Roman City of Baetulo

Roman City of Baetulo

The Roman city of Baetulo, located in the subsoil of the old town of Badalona, was founded in the 1st century BC and lasted until the 6th century AD. It occupied an area of about 13 ha and was located in an area close to the sea and with good agricultural possibilities. Previous to Barcino, it was one of the first foundations of the Hispania Tarraconensis province and is cited by classical authors P. Mela, C. Plini and C. Ptolomeu. The archaeological site of Baetulo was declared Cultural Good of National Interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 1995.

The great amount of Roman remains found in Badalona and the subsequent museization of some of the spaces in the ancient Roman city allow different routes to be made, which are complemented by the visit to the permanent exhibition: Badalona, Roman city.