Votive offering to saint anthony of padua

Votive offering to saint anthony of padua
Second half of the 19th centuryde Desconegut
Votive offering dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua. In the foreground there is a woman who has been run over by a car, and the lower right corner, another woman, kneeling, praying. In the background is a farmhouse in the upper left corner, inside a cloud, St. Anthony of Padua. It is a work made to thank this holy healing of the woman after the accident.
Material: Painting on wood Dimensions: 20 x 27,5 x 0,7 cm Ref.: MB inv. 496Altres peces del mateix període
Village street (El carrer del temple)
19th and 20th centurySant Sebastià
Anterior a 1848Table of medals of tintas de imprenta Ch. Lorilleux & CIA.