The Orfeó Badaloní

At the end of 1920, Antoni Botey, Jaume Costa, Salvador Valls, Joan Aymerich and Ramon Salsas promoted the creation of a choir in Badalona. The project, which soon gained the support of a good group of partners, became a reality on April 27th, 1921, the date on which the Orfeó was established, and on June 29th of the same year it was presented in society at a party at the Zorrilla Theater dedicated to partners and protectors.

In February 1923, the organization’s banner was blessed in an event attended by the president of the Commonwealth of Catalonia, Josep Puig i Cadafalch, and the director and founder of the Orfeó Català, Lluís Millet.

The design of the banner is the work of the architect Joan Amigó i Barriga, who had previously designed that of the Center Catalanista Gent Nova.

The Museum also preserves a set of ties (inv. MB 7869-MB 7877 and MB 11760-MB 11791) of various dates that bear witness to the Orfeó’s participation in various cantadas and festivals around the world.



                                        Banner of the Orfeó Badaloní. 1923
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