New online resource: Montalegre. Sis segles de silenci cartoixà

February 16th of 1415, it has been 608 years since, the Carthusian order acquired the former facilities of an Augustinian nunnery and the surrounding land, located in Sant Fost de Campsentelles. Two days later, on February 18th, the Carthusians also bought the farmhouse and the lands of the Rovira farmhouse, in Tiana. The Montalegre Carthusian monastery was born.
To commemorate this anniversary, we are including the digital version of the book Montalegre. Sis segles de silenci cartoixà written by Jaume Oliveras Costa and with photographs by Oriol Casanovas and Antonio Guillén, on our website.
We hope you enjoy it!



Publicació Montalegre, sis segles de silenci cartoixà

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