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Historical recreation. 11 am

Saturday 24th April. 11 am.

24 April 2021 - 11:00 a 11:50

Limited capacity.


This year, the Magna Celebratio festival is adapting to the pandemic situation, offering the possibility of following closely the recreations of several artcrafts from the Roman era through guided tours for small groups.


In this edition we will discover the following trades:

De architectura. Sample of different construction techniques

Funicularius. How strings were made in Roman times

Caupona et butulos. Shop that served wine and food and a demonstration of the art of stuffing and preparing meat.

Ferrarius. The work of iron.

Musivarius. How the mosaics were made

Agrimensor. We will know the background of the profession of surveyor.

Eborarius. The work of the bone to make accessories, furniture and sconces.

Lignarius. The tools of the carpenter and the practice of this trade.


The price of this activity is € 1.10 and includes admission to the Museum and heritage spaces.

Limited capacity.

By the Grup de Reconstrucció Històrica de Badalona and Eina.

Galeria de fotos


24 April 2021
11:00 a 11:50
Event Category:


Plaça de Correus
Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, s/n
Badalona, Barcelona 08911 Espanya
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