The book Badalona desconeguda for sale at the Museum

The publishing house Efadós has recently published the book Badalona desconeguda, by Margarida Abras and M. Dolors Nieto, which you can now purchase in the Museum store.

The book, which has inspired the exhibition of the same name that can be seen on the Museum until September 6th, offers a photographic tour of some areas of Badalona little known or, directly, that no longer exist, with the aim to better understand the evolution of our city and its current reality. Next to the images you will find historical sketches that will allow you to travel from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era.



Title: Badalona desconeguda

Authors: M. Abras i M.D. Nieto

Collection: Catalunya Desapareguda

184 pages.

Price : 22.00 €

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